Hiks! Merasalah sebenarnya entry inniew sudah lambat lebih dari 3 bulan sebenarnya. Dan lama ittiew jugalah entry inniew ada kat dalam meks nye draft dashboard u'ols. LOL!! Hiks! Lama kan?! LOL! Neway, yess u'ols. This is another entry about my birthday celebration. Tahun lepas which was 2007, meks celebrate my 22nd birthday sebanyak 4 kali. Sekali ngan my family dekat rumah my sister in Kota Damansara masa Raya Haji. The second one dekat Melting Pots, Concorde which is actually a surprise party by Mak Bee. Third one would be a surprise party kat cafe office by my officemate. And finally, the last one is this occasion. Actually meks lambat post this entry cos meks baru sajork terima the pictures dari sumber photographer. Sesungguhnya insan tue tak layak jadi photographer kalo lembap macam nie. LOL!! (matilah meks!)
Occasion inniew took place kat karaoke kat YauChuan (betul ke meks eja u'ols?). Ala u'ols nie, yang kat depan Ampang Park and also kat sebelah ngan Crown Princess. Tau dah? Kalau tak tau lagi, next tip is : ala tempat karaoke yang pekerja di cando-cando bangat dan boleh dibawa kembali ke rumah ittiew. Ala u'ols nie, yang kat depan Ampang Park and also kat sebelah ngan Crown Princess. Oppps! *wink*
Hadirin yang ada pung sapa. Sikit je. Just immediate 11-0-8 family members sajork. Ada Mak Bee, Kast, Ahfad, South, Ted, kawan Ted and meks of cos. At first masa meks gi sana, meks ingat I was the centre of attraction aka the ONLY birthday celebrated person. Sekali nah, NAN ADO. Kek ciput ittiew kongsi 4 orang nyer!! Kongsi dengan Mak Bee, Ahfad and Kast. LOL!! (matilah kan, orang nak celebrate meks nye birthday pung dah cukup baguih! Kan?! Matilah meks balik rumah kene maki kalo org yang sponsor ittiew baca statement inniew! LOL!). Lama l;a jugak we'ols dok memekak kat dalam bilik ittiew. But yang tak tahan feeling jadi Ziana Zain nyanyi lagi "Cinta Hujung Garisan". Ahfad jadi Ning Baizura. Kast jadi Nora. and South jadiDessy padahal orang yang lebih layak untuk memegang post sebegitu hebat dengan suara dan fizikal yang tepat adalah Ted sebenarnya. (matilah meks!).
And we'ols also telah fool ourselves sambil nyanyi lagi Spice Girls : Stop sambil dance ikut the exact dance move. Of cos la meks amik jadi Victoria Beckham kan. Selain jadi fashion icons, big boops yang langsung addinch original, meks ada anak-anak yang comel dan suami yang sudah pasti ciknek gergastua dan melazatkan. Kan?! LOL! Dan meks also telah melihat Mak Bee berduet dengan Ahfad lagu Kwek Mambo nyanyi Saloma meks rasa. Sesuaikan la kan. Lagu-lagu begitu hanya sesuai bagi mereka yang dilahirkan sebelum zaman Jepun dan membesar waktu 60's. LL!! (matilah meks lagi sekali). Dan before balik, we'ols makan kek, accept our present; meks dapat CK g-string! and made a toss, feeling champange nie, walhal dalam gelas plastic ittuew hanyalah sparkling juice. LOL!!

Labels: Birthdays, Friendship, Parties

posted by Isis Natasha @ 08:38 1 Comments

Hiks, pada hari inniew meks hendak menulis something yang mungkin kalo dari title ittiew sendiri, kitew addinch merasai dalam kehidupan sendiri, tetapi pernah atau tidak, u'ols semua mengalami situasi begini :
U'ols hendak keluar untuk che' endut / dinner / shop shop / mengesop / movie or any aktiviti yang memerluakan u'ols semua untuk keluar dan bergaya. U'ols pun memakai baju yang paling vast, vogue, melerts dan menawan tetapi tak over la sangat (nanti org kata fashion victim). Sekali u'ols, lets say pergi ke Pavillion untuk upacara menegsop mingguan. Sekali baru sajork nak masuk ke Watson untuk memulakan aktivity mengesop ittiew, ada seorang minah yang berpakaian same outfit dengan u'ols.
Mesti kalau ada situasi maca ittiew, u'ols terfikit samada org ittiew pakai lagi vast or u'ols pakai lagi vast kan? Dan masa ittiew macam-macam bermain di minda. Nak balik la, nak ittiew nak inniew la. Masa ittiew jugak la nak terjerit-jerit panggil kengkawan berkumpul lari ke F.O.S untuk mengesop baju lain dan tukar terus baju kan?! Tul tak?
Jadi meks telah pun terpikir out of the box, macam mana agaknya kalau celebrities kan, pergi ke anuegrah, lets say ABP (kan around the corner sajork kan?!) tengah catwalk and pose for the mag and tabloid sekali ada seorang lagi artis yang berpakaian sama?! Sure menjadi satu jenis publisiti murahan sangat kan? Atau pun. u'ols sebagai seorang celebrity terkenal; pakai satu dress dari Valentino, erk ... jab, kat Malaysia nie meks bagi taraf Micheal Ong la. U'ols pakai dress ittew ke AIM last 2 weeks, sekali bukak paper, tgk-tgk ada lagi seorang celebrity pakai ke ABP. Macam mana? And tabloid hanj ittiew letak pic u'ols sebelah pic celebrity tersebut. Mesti ala ala terkedu kan?
Jadi pada hari inniew meks telah pun bertungkus lumus melayari internet dan mencari gambar-gambar ayng diklasifikasikan dalam kategori ittiew. Dan u'ols act as a judge, and rasa sapa pakai lagi melerts?! Give your opinion! *wink*

dan pic atas, baju kurung moden with beads, MYR8500 dan kain putih chiffon, MYR880. U'ols ado?!**
Labels: Actors and Actresses, Fashion, Life, Photoshoot

posted by Isis Natasha @ 05:42 2 Comments

Labels: Blogging, Friendship, Photoshoot

posted by Isis Natasha @ 02:03 0 Comments

Hiks! pada hari inniew mungkin akan ada kelainan sedikit dalam entry meks. Hiks! Bukan apa u'ols. Pada hari inniew, emks akan membuat satu entry yang agak panas. Issue yang semakin menjadi bualan dan tidak lekang dari bibir-bibir kolegen masyarakat setempat. Macam inniew u'ols. Hari ittiew, meks online YM id meks untuk berbual dan mencari teman-teman baru. Sekali meks telah pung di-buzz oleh seorang teman rapat meks dan beliau telah pun memberikan satu copy atau salinan tembual ekslusif yang original. Temubual yang sememangnya menjadi hot-stuff kepada bloggers seperti Y Darklighter dan blog-blog lain yang hot dan panas dengan issue-issue sensasi. Lantas, meks dan kawan meks ittiew telah pun membuat kata sepakat untuk publishkan tembual ititiew di blog meks.
Kenapa di blog meks? Sebab kawan meks nye blog ittiew, die cover straigh-act. Straight -act kew kalau rambut kepok-kepok. Yessss u'ols! Kawan meks dan juga penulis undangan pada hari inniew, yang ditebangkan khas dari Benua Afrika adalah Neo Anderson aka Lulu aka Ratu Kepok! Kan?! dan temubual ittiew merupakan tembual yang dibuat keatas Ratu Penampar, yang rating dan popularitynya semakin meningkat dari hari ke hari. Tembual inniew ditulis oleh seorang teman rapat Ratu Kepok yang tidak mahu identitynya dipublishkan. Ala-ala penulis layang dah meks rasakan budak inniew. Dan dalam entry inniew, kami mengelarkannya sebagai, Sumber Berguna.
Sesungguhnya entry inniew adalah hasil perbincangan dan diskussi selama beberapa antara meks dan Neo. Dan kata sepakat telah dibuat, untuk tarikg publikasinye iaitu pada hari inniew. Dan diberitahu awal-awal bahawa temubual inniew adlah agak panjang dan selepas ditambahkan pula dengan ulasan meks dan Neo, ianya bertambah panjang. LOL!!! Neway, untuk memudahkan pembacaan anda semua, kami berdua telah menetapkan code warna untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan. Ratu Penampar akan diwarnakan dengan warna Merah. Sumber Berguna berwarna Biru. Meks aka Isis Natasya Ayutullah berwarna Hijau dan terakhir, Neo Anderson pula berwarna Oren.
Selamat Membaca!
Ratu Penampar (5:29:04 PM): i think ur statement kat blog salah
Ratu Penampar (5:29:25 PM): i dh mintak maaf
Ratu Penampar (5:29:31 PM): tp diorang buat i mcm binatang!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Once a binarts will always be a binarts Kalau u’ols nak feeling jadi Aslan pun, HERLOW gurl, wake up. This is the real world, not some fairyland behind a wardrobe!
Neo Anderson say: I got one big point here. You ask for it and you did the same mistake again and again, and do you realize the way you ask for forgiveness, it’s some kind of insult, with your queeny and bitchy face, do you want to ask for forgiveness or start a fight????
Ratu Penampar (5:29:34 PM): n dinch me..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Dinch you what? That what I'm doing right now, addinch you!
Neo Anderson say: Open your eyes, you the one who pull yourself out, So?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:29:16 PM): oowh really?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:29:21 PM): hurm..
Ratu Penampar (5:29:46 PM): i dh humbly mintak maaf kat sume org
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Humbly? Erm … Well, with such queeny attitude and evil flame in your eyes, that is the new definition of the word ‘humble’ to you. But na-ah, obviously such definition doesn’t work for me and the others. Create your own world, rule your own world and please don’t drag us into that fucking stupid world of yours!
Neo Anderson say: What the heck is this, humbly minta maaf??? Please refer my previous statement. What I received is evil looking of your eyes. Is that the way you ask for forgiveness?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:29:32 PM): then i'll update later aitee
Ratu Penampar (5:29:53 PM): statememnt yg kuar
Ratu Penampar (5:30:06 PM): Ratu Penampar, dh bunuh org baru ko mintak maaf!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Sorry darling, when you kill someone, you will be jailed and hang and the world will be merry and obviously, all of us will not forget you. May be we can organize one theme at the famous La Ratu or Blue Boy, “Insanity - Ratu Penampar's Style", and we’ols semua akan keep on slapping each other instead of cium pipi. May be it would the new “it” culture. If the Arabs kiss on the cheek, may be we can create this new culture and perhaps we can name it as “The Ratu Penampar’s Way” and it would be so FABULOUS! And may be it will be a world-wide craze perhaps. Who knows! With Ratu Penampar’s insanity to be well known, definitely this will be a vast!
Neo Anderson say: You keep doing the same mistake again and again, so, if you don’t give a damn, I don’t give a fuck. And I won’t surprise if you kill people based of your mentally unstable.
Ratu Penampar (5:30:12 PM): pls.. lah “Sumber Berguna”..
Ratu Penampar (5:30:18 PM): i mmg dh malas nk cmpr org!!
Ratu Penampar (5:30:30 PM): cukup lah ngan mulot2 gampang org yg i trima skunk!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: At least, mulut we’ols semua addinch segampang mulut you, wicked backstabber!
Neo Anderson say: People know you as a backstabber, talam 2 muka or something, so it must me small thing to compare to our mulut gampang. You live with the mulut gampang society, so you have to bear with it. No offence.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:30:12 PM): hurm...
Ratu Penampar (5:30:36 PM): !im already eppy wif my life!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: All unstable-minded patient will say the exact same thing darling! That what I learn from the movie, title “The Beautiful Mind”. *wink*
Neo Anderson say: If you happy with your life, why you have to care about what people say, just deal with it rationally.
Ratu Penampar (5:30:45 PM): i amik drug pun, i dh x ganggu org!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Knock Knock, double check girl, slap people on their face in public already considered as an assault and obviously by the nature of logical thinking, it already considered as “gangu” *wink* - I thought you belajar sampai Degree or Diploma (can’t remember!), and still … Aiyoo slapping people pun lecturer you tak ajar ke samada it is menganggu dan melukai org lain? Print the diploma by urself, girl?
Neo Anderson say: Hello, slapping people tak ganggu orang, Hello, do you out of your mind, even if you tolak people pon can categorize as verbal insult and can masuk mahkamah, how come you say ‘tak ganggu orang’, plus orang yang you tampar tu one of my long time best friend. Once you create a mess with my friend, any of my friends, you have to get over me and of course I will give you a hard time.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:30:31 PM): just dun do more drugs aite?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:30:37 PM): bukan nak kate Ratu Penampar ganggu
Ratu Penampar (5:30:57 PM): enough is enough!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:30:51 PM): just that bile Ratu Penampar amik drugs, ur mental cam unstable sket
Ratu Penampar (5:31:19 PM): i hav my ownb work, i hav my own fren who really love me n support me~!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:31:00 PM): tue yang sume orang takut
Ratu Penampar (5:31:30 PM): kwn2 mcm pukimak Neo Anderson n Isis Natasha Ayutullah is nit a fren for me..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Thanks doakan I berpuki. Harap- harap doa you ittiew termakbul - jimat duit. But I tak rasa doa org yang suka backstab, mulut longkang dan puaka, suka melagakan org macam you diterima. Maka it is occay. I continue kumpul duit sajork untuk buat operate ittiew. And girl, you are not a friend of mine from the very first beginning masa conflict rumah sentul started, when I knew your true color. Hello, takkan you tak perasan. From all of the drag queens yang I rapat, you are the only one yang tak pernah ada dalam top friend myspace account I. And you are the one who frequently hantar message and comments kat I untuk letakkan you dalam top friends I. So? Sapa yang terhegeh-hegeh nak kawan dengan sapa? Darling, I rasa kalau you inniew dicampakkan dalam kandang babi, babi ittiew sendiri tendang you keluar balik yer.
Neo Anderson say: Not, a friend for you??? Oh, I’m also so proud don’t have a friend like you. Don’t live in denial. I’m nothing to against you, you nak take drug till you die pon I don’t care at all and I don’t mind. Is that orang yang suka pukul orang, attention cravers and backstabber can be a good friend??? Absolutely not!!!
Ratu Penampar (5:31:41 PM): diuorang tue pemusnah idup!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Pemusnah hidup? Macam you musnahkan hidup I dulu? At least I tak double face kan?! *wink*. And yes, indeed I’m just being honest. I can’t pretend that I like to have your existence in my life, no more pretending. It is time for the truth and like what Neo Anderson said here, the truth does hurts.
Neo Anderson say: Is the one who expressing his honest opinion towards each other and give good advice can be call as a pemusnah hidup??? Please, I rather to tell the truth than tell a lies. Truth hurts. A people like us is actually good friends, being honest to each other. Please Zapp to reality Ratu Penampar.
Ratu Penampar (5:31:59 PM): mark my work!!! diorang tue pemusnah hidup org!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Do I need to repeat above statement? I don’t think so!
Neo Anderson say: Still in your dream world right, so please tell me what good you have done?
Backstabbers, liars?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:32:00 PM): sudah la tue Ratu Penampar
“Sumber Berguna” (5:32:04 PM): yang lepas tue biar lepas
“Sumber Berguna” (5:32:11 PM): amik bende2 nie sume sebagai teladan
“Sumber Berguna” (5:32:19 PM): sume orang bersalah dalam hal nieh
“Sumber Berguna” (5:32:28 PM): just we fix ourselves first aite?
Ratu Penampar (5:33:07 PM): tp i mmg tak suke statement dlm blog u
Ratu Penampar (5:33:15 PM): seolah2 i yg bersalah gile2 babis
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Slap people tak brsalah ke? Being a backstabber tak bersalah ke? Girl, seriously, even with that so called diploma, yang kemungkinan besar you print sendiri, you still tidak boleh membezakan yang baik ataupun yang buruk. Yang mana berlian yang mana kaca. At least I tahu I berlian and you kaca and oh yes, I also tahu slap other people in public and being a backstabber is totally not acceptable.
Neo Anderson say: Seems you high or something. Do I have to reply this statement, I never argue with a fool because people might not know the difference.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:33:01 PM): bukan ape..
Ratu Penampar (5:33:22 PM): “Sumber Berguna”, i buat salah sekali jer...
“Sumber Berguna” (5:33:04 PM): itu dari pandangan i
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: That right. Every one has its own freedom of expression, speech and all. All of these was directly and clearly written, stated with it full explanations under MTC fundamental liberties. So? My Blog, I write you read. Full stop. Don’t like it, please be my guest, press the button ALT + F4. Thanks!
Neo Anderson say: Before all this, I just keep silence and observing until I give my honest opinion at Isis Natasha Ayutullah’s chatbox. Then I heard blackmailed which is from you (Ratu Penampar). Do you really only want to hear just good things about you. Oh, I stretch-out my brain and I didn’t find anything good about you. How?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:33:10 PM): i tau i salah
“Sumber Berguna” (5:33:15 PM): and i akan tukar nanti
Ratu Penampar (5:33:39 PM): tp org nk gempakkkan cerita!! caci cerca i sane sini..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Life in karma. Macam pernah berlaku. Tapi dimana ya? It was like totally a dejavu. Oh yeah, I remember it now! You pernah cerca caci i kat YM and rumah sentul. Kompang sana kompang sini all the bad lies and everything. What for? Duh! Life as karma. You deserve it!
Neo Anderson: What goes around come around, what you give you get back. If people tell me that don’t like me or something, I don’t even give a damn. They have right what they want to say, what they want to feel about.
Ratu Penampar (5:33:43 PM): i dun give a damn!!
Ratu Penampar (5:33:51 PM): i masuk pageant trus 2nd runner up
Ratu Penampar (5:33:59 PM): masuk pondan tetetk punye pageant top 10
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Been there done that. The ONLY gay boy drag masuk ke final out of dozens and dozens of contestant and compete against not only pondan tetek but puki also! And oh didn't you mama told you, different people have different life goals? And before your wear Hatta, I dah pakai dah pun and already achieve it way before you. And hey, do I care? No. Becos Im tired of the life. I’m retiring. We are from a totally two different era. I know my time is over and at the moment, pageants and temporary fame like what you achiving right now from pageants is totally not my goal. Kalau ittiew adalah goal I, I akan jadi macam you. Terhegeh sana terhegeh sini. Masuk miss sana masuk miss sini. And jadi seperti title yang diberikan oleh orang ramai, Miss Tidak Serik right?
Neo Anderson: Oh, I don’t mind at all, that not first priority, I’m damn proud you go that far, based on your looks and abilities to compare with other contestant.
Ratu Penampar (5:34:03 PM): so sentapx?? kan???
Ratu Penampar (5:34:08 PM): dh sentap cari salah org!!
Ratu Penampar (5:34:13 PM): is that what we cll a fren??
Ratu Penampar (5:34:25 PM): skunk ni i dh dpt kwn yg kalo i nk masuk pageant, support me..
Ratu Penampar (5:34:30 PM): give me advice n everything..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Motif nak sentap dengan bende yang bukan dalam priority I? Girl, you boleh baca my New Year Resolution for this year and last year, and clearly stated in both year, kehidupan you yang you claim I sentap ittiew, tersenarai. Infact ada satu resolution I, “Kurangkan Drag” which obviously I failed! LOL!!
Neo Anderson say: We never sentap without any concrete reason, we just laughing out loud when you smell your victory and after that being kekwat, berangan and make a fool of yourself like I’m the queen of the world. Oh, my god, have you heard things called mirror? People that true beauty queen pon tak act stupid macam tu.
Ratu Penampar (5:34:35 PM): ni kwn2 yg u ade skunk!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:34:18 PM): yang penting skang nie kite menyesal ngan perbuatan kite
“Sumber Berguna” (5:34:27 PM): and try not to repeat the same mistake
Ratu Penampar (5:34:51 PM): org ckp nak masuk pageant carotzz ko cantik sgt ker aper ker..
Ratu Penampar (5:35:13 PM): oi dh mmg xkan cmpr ur group tue...
Ratu Penampar (5:35:22 PM): i hv done my part utk mintak maaf!!
Ratu Penampar (5:35:25 PM): n thatz it..
Ratu Penampar (5:35:28 PM): hidup ni kejap..
Ratu Penampar (5:35:34 PM): ingat i ni pendendam!!!
Ratu Penampar (5:35:42 PM): kite akan jwb sumernyer mati sok!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Kalau you bukan pendendam or so innocent as claimed, then be it. Jangan la dok terhegeh-hegeh sana sini, bagi sms sana sini Tanya, “apa salah ko” and nagging like in this coversation. Girl, listen here carefully. I bukan jenis pendendam jugak but what you have done to me before during Sentul era, was totally not accepted and unforgiven. And so bile peluang macam ni dating bergolek kat depan mata, you yourself ruin your life with your attitude, so takkan I nak berdiam diri. Baru sekarang you rasakan apa yang meks rasakan dulu. Rasakan! Neo Anderson say: Yes, pendendam, you mind what people done to you but do you mind what you did to people? Kita akan jawab semuanya mati esok. I’ve blackmailed because of my honest opinion, but I never dendam pon. Positive life comes from positive mind.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:35:37 PM): btoll
Ratu Penampar (5:36:00 PM): kat dunia nk gaduh x guna!!
Ratu Penampar (5:36:03 PM): n plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ratu Penampar (5:36:07 PM): enuff is enuff...
Ratu Penampar (5:36:16 PM): i dh x ganggu idup org n tolong jgn nk sibuk hal i..
Ratu Penampar (5:36:24 PM): ****statement ni bukan utk u*****
Ratu Penampar (5:36:33 PM): but to ur best fren kat luar sana!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:36:21 PM): takpe
“Sumber Berguna” (5:36:28 PM): i tau i ade buat slh gak
“Sumber Berguna” (5:36:34 PM): and i'm really sorry
“Sumber Berguna” (5:36:46 PM): tapi kite sume kene remorse with what happen
“Sumber Berguna” (5:36:53 PM): pasal Isis Natasha Ayutullah Neo Anderson and kie
“Sumber Berguna” (5:36:59 PM): lama2 nanti diorang sedar la tue
“Sumber Berguna” (5:37:09 PM): but ape yang kite bleh wat skang
“Sumber Berguna” (5:37:22 PM): is that kite kene tunjukkan yang we're not that bad after all
“Sumber Berguna” (5:37:29 PM): show to them yang sume bende tue salah
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : I love what he said. Show them yang sume ittiew salah. So innocent la this guy. tak yah tunjuk. we;osl dah nampak. slapping other people and all - so wrong!
Neo Anderson say: Is that what we call baling batu sembunyi tangan??? Do I have to say more?
Ratu Penampar (5:38:07 PM): i dh x buat ape2
Ratu Penampar (5:38:12 PM): u nampak sendiri kan??
Ratu Penampar (5:38:19 PM): i am already happy wif my life~!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Like previous we call Imran and Arez, "Diawan biru"? Happy sangat la? Kalau you really happy with your current life, kenapa perlu you nagging dan risau pasal all of these small stuff? Issit because you nak dengar only good compliments about you sajork? Erm, well let see. Na-ah. Addinch ado u’ols! Apa yang I ingat about you, is back stabbing, liar, double face, talam. Wow! Penuh criteria seorang yang evil. *wink*
Neo Anderson say: No comment on this, all I can say once you mess with the best, people will talk about you forever. Who is the best??? Me??? Lol…don’t hate me for that.
Ratu Penampar (5:38:21 PM): n trust me..
Ratu Penampar (5:38:32 PM): ape yg ade kat blog org2 skunk..
Ratu Penampar (5:38:42 PM): jgn smp i buat report against them!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Report? How? We didn't mention any names! But obviously, like an old sayng, "sapa makan cili dielah rasa pedasnya".
Neo Anderson say: Report on bloggers, oh, IT world is for free thinkers read and think, who is good, and who is bad and since you can’t handle it rationally, better you don’t read at all and shut your ears. Seems like akta multimedia about bloggers in Malaysia is not yet approve, so u just wasting your time if you do so. Plus, is a freedom of speech and expression, I can write and say anything that I want.
Ratu Penampar (5:39:11 PM): u r not in my shoe “Sumber Berguna”..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Talking about shoes, ada some shoes and my handbangs yang ilang masa I stay with this wicker guy kat Northern Region and well, we stay 2 orang and the stuff is not with me - then who? Jeng jeng jeng jeng! *what would be his excuse now : "I tak sedar la I amik that thing!" - L.A.M.E!
Neo Anderson say: Talk about shoe, I wonder where is my sister pink heels? Hello Isis Natasha Ayutullah, what you have in mind…LOL
Isis Natasha Ayutullah reply: Hanj! Ada lagi kat rumah my parent. And thank God Ratu Penampar addinch ambil that shoe sekali!
Ratu Penampar (5:39:14 PM): not at all
Ratu Penampar (5:39:20 PM): u xtaw i suffer mcm mane!!
Ratu Penampar (5:39:23 PM): u tyak tahu hidup i..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Being outkast? Yah, I already feel it masa you bawak mulut biadap kat umah sentul and YM, backstab and bermuka talam denga bantuan so-called fat-guly-angel face of yours. Some time in 2006. Yeah I can feel your pain and what can i say, let me check with my memory book first, oh it says, “YOUR TURN!”.
Neo Anderson say: Yess, your turn. What you now, is what you do or think in the past. You deserve it. Just handle with it rationally and you will succeed.
Ratu Penampar (5:39:28 PM): so, plz...
Ratu Penampar (5:39:32 PM): stop everything..
Ratu Penampar (5:39:40 PM): im really happy wif my life!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : If you happy with your life, then kenapa kewsah dengan apa yang org lain cakap?
Neo Anderson say: Are you sure you happy with your life, why you keep bagging, nagging and mumbling. Enough being what not you are.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:39:40 PM): ermm...
Ratu Penampar (5:40:05 PM): n im really glad that kes lempang berlaku... cuz from that i dh bole taw sape kwn n sape lawan!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : WOW!!! New excuse. it is so fresh! Meks nak lempang someone gak la and lepas tue meks nak innoncently cakap : “Saja, nak tahu sapa kawan sapa lawan”.
Neo Anderson say: See, another fool statement. You proud of your action and then you claim you humbly ask for forgiveness. Can I call him the next Samy Vellu or it can be Ratu Penampar Vellu??? So Isis Natasha Ayutullah, I want to lempang you to know that are you really my friend or not? Can?
Isis Natasha Ayutullah Reply : Hanj! Meks addinch sanggup occay and perlu ke Neo Anderson menjatuhkan traf diva you ke taraf binarts macam die nie? Addinch kan?! LOL!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:39:59 PM): it's good that ur happy
Ratu Penampar (5:40:49 PM): u nk ckp ape2 lagi??
Ratu Penampar (5:41:00 PM): sorie lah.. i mcm sentapx giler babi bace ur blog!!
Ratu Penampar (5:41:09 PM): seolah2 i ni drug addict giler2 babi!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Oh yeah? Bukan kew? lets kite tukar statement la. DDA? DDA = Diploma Drug Addict. So image cucuk jarum bawah jambatan tak diambil kira. You kan ada diploma.
Neo Anderson say: Yes, since you claim you got a diploma which is very glam and vast. Now I accept the terms ‘DDA’ – diploma drug addict. Like he the only one who got the diploma. FOOLISH.
Ratu Penampar (5:41:22 PM): kie sblm jadi mcm amik kay dlm bilik show!!
Ratu Penampar (5:41:23 PM): u taw??
Ratu Penampar (5:41:25 PM): x kan..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Yeah I know. But at least die tak lempang orang. Oh yeah, Nasha Aziz also amik drug before her show. Begitu juga some of the pageant contestant I knew, but they tak lompat terjun dari stage and lempang org macam, what we caled that, oh yeah, Britney Spears Malaysia. Even worst, at least Britnet talking to trees but you act like a monkey on that tree.
Neo Anderson say: So show off. Freshie drug takers. People take drug, know how to behave themselves. Stop craving for attention and make a cheap shot of publicity. Tampar-tampar orang. Oh please.
Ratu Penampar (5:41:31 PM): nape x ckp die pun drug addict??
Ratu Penampar (5:41:46 PM): reply me..
“Sumber Berguna” (5:41:32 PM): jap2
“Sumber Berguna” (5:41:39 PM): ok
“Sumber Berguna” (5:41:41 PM): the thing is
Ratu Penampar (5:42:05 PM): i need u to be clear on what happen!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:41:51 PM): ok
Ratu Penampar (5:42:13 PM): n not judging me tanpa usul periksa
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : We are not judging you without usul periksa. Actually personally meks interview a few witnesses and also bebudak Serdang and a few members of public. In orther word, I do some research! And, Ratu Penampar, I bukan nye kenal ko semalam yer!
Neo Anderson say: Because he knows how to behave himself, and he not creates any trouble. I’m not against any drug takers, that their own right to do whatever they want to do, as long as they can behave themselves.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:42:05 PM): i'll give u my honest opinion on this case aite?
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : See stupid. Can you figure it out darl what it said? It is OPINION! So? Salah ke derang nak ada opinion? Now what? From a freak and unstable mind person u nak jadi a control freaks? Control apa yang org lain fikir? Aiyoo! Wake up darl! Wake up! Is this a phase masa you high? Sorry I tak pernah take drugs, so I tak tahu nak bezakan waktu high or waktu you tak high.
Neo Anderson say: See, you blaming me because of my honest opinion. Its just the OPINION. Can you spell it correctly O-P-I-N-I-O-N. So unstable mind.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:42:11 PM): the thing is dua2 salah
Ratu Penampar (5:42:42 PM): im not a fuckin drug addict person yg duk bwh jambatan!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : That right! Let me repeat once again. You are a DDA. Diploma Drug Addict!
Neo Anderson say: Yes, diploma drug addict. Seems like the other drug addict just have SPM jer kot. Is it right Kie???
Ratu Penampar (5:42:45 PM): plz plz plz
Ratu Penampar (5:42:56 PM): i know its my fault n i admit
Ratu Penampar (5:43:05 PM): ada i x ngaku salah??
Ratu Penampar (5:43:09 PM): i ngaku n i mintak maaf
“Sumber Berguna” (5:42:50 PM): pasal kie his mouth memang agak laha sket and kekadang orang bleh sentap
Ratu Penampar (5:43:15 PM): depan abg zali lagi dlm bb
Ratu Penampar (5:43:26 PM): tp kimak2 kat luar nk raise up as big issue
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say:. Hello, let’s talk a lil bit about history. Remember Bill Clinton's sex scandal with Monica? He already apoligze to the public, but still became a joke by Letterman and people love it.Oh I tak tahu la kat Hospital bahagia tue leh baca paper ke tak, ingat tak ex Health Minister's sex tape scandal recently? He did aplogize publicly but people keep talking until now. I'm not saying you are a public figure like them, jauh panggang dari api. Ittiew hanyalah satu parallel example.
Neo Anderson say: Once a fool always a fool forever.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:43:13 PM): and u plak a bit uncontrollable in terms of drugs sampai u tampar orang
“Sumber Berguna” (5:43:22 PM): which i know u didn't mean to do it and u regret it
Ratu Penampar (5:43:47 PM): i tampar sbb ape??
Ratu Penampar (5:43:49 PM): u taw ker nape??
Ratu Penampar (5:43:54 PM): i bukan simply nk tampar
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Oh now, a new excuse? I tot drugs and insanity was the reason behind it
Neo Anderson say: Wait, before this ask for forgiveness, pastu proud of his action and now bukan simply nak tamper. Ratu Penampar going insanse.
Ratu Penampar (5:43:55 PM): ok!!!
Ratu Penampar (5:44:06 PM): kalo kat belakang stage i tanye ok x baju i sume
Ratu Penampar (5:44:09 PM): n die kate ok
Ratu Penampar (5:44:21 PM): tp nape smp kat depan stage nk gelak2 kan org??
Ratu Penampar (5:44:30 PM): dun u hav sumne respect bile org buat show???????
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Aiyoo. The group was laughing during my shows but I tak jadi gile and attack them like a stupid hungry monkey. And in fact, at least he is beign honest to ur face rather than your friend who give you that drug. Kenapa die nak bagi u drugs kalau die sendiri dah respect and konfident that your show bagus? Adakah die rasa show u hazab then die bagi u try a 2nd option? Kenapa die tak bagitau u directly to your face and all of this will not be and issue, right? And hello, when you jadi badut aka monkey on the stage, of cos la org gelak. Thaks god tak der sign, "Don't feed the animal"
Neo Anderson: Show is for entertain people, so what??? Respect??? In terms of what. You want people to duduk diam waktu orang buat show like attending a funeral. People laugh, people scream, people amazed, that their own right, you can’t control them.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:44:11 PM): alahhh
“Sumber Berguna” (5:44:22 PM): small matter la tue
“Sumber Berguna” (5:44:28 PM): kat sume orang pon die gelakkan ape
“Sumber Berguna” (5:44:41 PM): and people memang dah expect die akan wat camtue
Ratu Penampar (5:45:02 PM): then??? nape nk kate i drug addict??
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Lets meks repeat macam die nie. --- .. “Then?? Nape ko nak emo kalau dah tahu??”
Neo Anderson say: Again and again, am I watching Raja Lawak right now?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:44:44 PM): dari dulu lagi kan?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:44:49 PM): sayang...
Ratu Penampar (5:45:14 PM): so, i lah yg slah??
“Sumber Berguna” (5:44:56 PM): i tak kate u drug addict pon
Ratu Penampar (5:45:19 PM): show die meletop sgt keR??
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : May be tak semelert madonna or your diva, but at least he is better than you and such a blog/homehold name. Semua orang kenal die. You? Nak kene tamper-menampar baru lah orang kenal.
Neo Anderson say: Meletop or not, did people recognize you as a showgirl or as a clown. What is your killer song??? Tell me??? Oh, wait…I realize something. JELOUSY.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:45:02 PM): bace la blog i tue
Ratu Penampar (5:45:22 PM): grand??
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Kalau tak grande takkan la ada Kie Entertainment kat BB, let say, Colour Dancers and oh yeah, you pun dulu terhegeh-hegeh to join and be a prt of the dance group kan? Ask and beg Kie for a slot just for yourself? U'ols, ada sedikit bau disini, bau hangus. Oh yeah, Kacang hangus lupakan kulit
Neo Anderson say: So kacang busuk lupakan kulit. At first who push you in the entertainment industry. Me and Kie right. At least people wait and request for us. How about you. Terhegeh-hegeh cari lubang buat show eventhough show free. So cheap.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:45:16 PM): i tak kate show sesape pon meletop mahu pun haus
“Sumber Berguna” (5:45:26 PM): just think back gurl
“Sumber Berguna” (5:45:43 PM): kalo ade masalah kat diri kite sape yang start dulu
“Sumber Berguna” (5:45:47 PM): of course la kite kan?
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Betui! Meks like this statement. *wink*
Neo Anderson say: Go “Sumber Berguna” go!!! Lest join the winners club and leave the losers.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:46:01 PM): and kite kene tgk ape salah kite dulu before kite tgk salah orang lain
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Oh yesss! Love this! *wink*. Kata dulang paku serepih, kata org die yang lebih. Mulut puaka meks ke? Or mulut you? At least I tak bermuka-muka amcam you dulu kan?! *wink*
Neo Anderson say: Bermuka-muka. Let me think. I never bermuka-muka, but if I bermuka-muka skali pon, its still good to see, people amaze with my stunning look. *run for your life. Isis Natasha Ayutullah don’t hate me for this.LOL
Isis Natasha Ayutullah reply: Nah! Tak sentap pun. As your last year statement, only a true expert can define and appreciate such exotic beauty macam u’ols! *wink*
“Sumber Berguna” (5:46:02 PM): yess
“Sumber Berguna” (5:46:14 PM): i know it's hard to detect our own problem
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Oh god. I nak bina shrine la for this guy. Statement best!
Neo Anderson say: A statue must build for this guy also, at least he knows what he stands for.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:46:24 PM): itu la gunanya kite tanye orang
Ratu Penampar (5:46:59 PM): tp u pernah x taw kie punye perangai kimak mcm mane??
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Now what? First you slap that guy, that guy tak slap you balik dah kire bagus dah. And now u nak pi canang kat org lain in this conversation. Darl, nampaknya you are so busted. You pun mengaibkan org, in this case, you mengaibkan kie! LOL!! Sama jew perangai. So what made you so innocent?
Neo Anderson say: Yeah, cheap and dirty. Wake up Ratu Penampar. It’s good we not attack you that time. It’s good enough. Just handle with it rationally if you know each of us have this type of perangai pukimak.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:47:07 PM): i tau
Ratu Penampar (5:47:28 PM): nk bg duit show i depan prg ramai mcm i ni pemintak sedekah!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Untung la. Dah kira bagus tau. Kalau dah show pun macam show binarts, ala u’ols pernah tgk la show binarts kat Zoo Negara ittiew? Yess yang ada walrus la, sealion la and a lot more binarts binarts. Kalau dah show macam gitu gayanya, takkan nak bagi duit ittiew atas dulang emas kew?
Neo Anderson say: Agree with Isis Natasha Ayutullah, daripada kie baling atas tanah and suruh dia amik, mana lagi teruk. Its better that way kan.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:47:21 PM): tapi i bleh terima itu sume sebab itu memang perangai die
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Yess! Kalau you boleh terima die propa kat you, die wat tue buat nie for years and why now nak melenting? You high sampai your tindakan reflek lambat berfungsi kew? And kalau it is true, Kalau I tampar you skunk, sure lambat you rasa sakit tue kan?!
Neo Anderson say: You know im no good, but each other have their own character. You said you know Kie for years. So you don’t have to melenting as a monkey in a zoo. Kie also know me well and he know how to handle me during bad time. So seems you never know any people well. You just in your own dream.
Ratu Penampar (5:47:46 PM): “Sumber Berguna”, kalo i buat salah i x pernah x ngaku salah i
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : yeah yeah yeah, own words differ from others judgement.
Neo Anderson: clap, clap to Isis Natasha Ayutullah.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:47:30 PM): walaupun i kenal die baru lagi compare to u
Ratu Penampar (5:48:02 PM): u pernah x dengar kate org
Ratu Penampar (5:48:09 PM): tahap kesabaran manusia adfa had??
Ratu Penampar (5:48:15 PM): n that nite i dh x leh sabar!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : So drama! Bertahun- tahun ko sabar, dalam club tempat setan tu jugak yang ko tak tahan dah?! Aiyoo Or issit becos ko high, tak waras dan tidak boleh berpikir dengan betul, ditambah dengan panas lighting stage and kahazaban show sendiri, jadi ko nak tarik attention by pretending be a monkey? Nasib baik ko tak feel over, mesti ko grab Kie sebelah tangan and panjat KLCC kan?!
Neo Anderson say: As far I concern, that night he craves for attention. I and Kie in the industry for years and we can sabar and still stand strong and existing accepted. Why don’t you?
Ratu Penampar (5:48:22 PM): harap u phm!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:48:28 PM): i paham
“Sumber Berguna” (5:48:38 PM): it means u tak bleh terima perangai die dari dulu lagi
Ratu Penampar (5:49:10 PM): yes..
Ratu Penampar (5:49:19 PM): n i dh lame kumpul kemarahan i..
Ratu Penampar (5:49:23 PM): come on lah..
Ratu Penampar (5:49:30 PM): hidup ni kite sbg kwn saling bantu membabntu
Ratu Penampar (5:49:35 PM): bukan carot mencarot
Ratu Penampar (5:49:41 PM): dengki mendengki
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Die ada banyak tolong you compared dengan what he done to me. No offence Kie. But meks rasa, Kie have help you alot. Burn kan lagu, make up, bersiapkan you untuk pagent and show, training and etc etc etc. Despite mulut die caci cerca you, but still he help and no offence, personal opinion, he is the one that help you to be on your position right now. Kan?! What is this? First you insane, then you have split personality? So dalam resume you skunk ada beberapa ayat baru yang perlu diletakkan sekali. Gila, Hilang Ingatan, Split Personality, Backstabber, Muka Talam, Tidak Mengenal Budi.
Neo Anderson say: We never dengki, we carut for your own sake to telling you indirectly for you to realize. We do help each other. We stand together, we fall together, weird, why you don’t see all that or you just simply shut your eyes just to show you do it independently? Come on. We know our weakness, we grow from it and we learn. But you, NEVER!!!!
Ratu Penampar (5:49:44 PM): u x knal i sape!!
Ratu Penampar (5:49:49 PM): i ni kalo tolong org ikhlas!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Kalau ikhlas, perlu ke cerita? Ikhlas ke nak berbangga diri?
Neo Anderson say: Its funny the way he tries to convince people. May be you can’t see but people can see everything clearly.
Ratu Penampar (5:49:55 PM): dh lah, x perlu lah “Sumber Berguna”.
Ratu Penampar (5:49:57 PM): enuff..
Ratu Penampar (5:50:01 PM): i dh mcm malas nk layan..
Ratu Penampar (5:50:14 PM): kalo i nk gaduh lame dh i gaduh ngan sume org!!!
Ratu Penampar (5:50:24 PM): tp i just nk act profesional.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:50:08 PM): isyy
Ratu Penampar (5:50:31 PM): org bodoh n pengecut jer nk post2 blog
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Dah http://goddessofnature.blogspot.com is my blog and I have the username and password, so i tulis la kat blog I. darl, trust me, if I can write kat dalam newspapre, I dah buat dah!
Neo Anderson say: That my own right, my chamber of thoughts. You can do so without any permission. Even BN government fall because of bloggers, why don’t you. Disgusting little creature. We not bodoh, we can think and act rationally. Pengecut attitude is like hit, hide and denial. We not like that. We strongly stand of our own words. We brave enough to telling you the truth. We are phenomenal.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:50:13 PM): u perlu paham
“Sumber Berguna” (5:50:19 PM): kite bukan nye orang biase sayang
“Sumber Berguna” (5:50:29 PM): carut mencarut tue la yang mengeratkan kite lagi sebenarnye
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Full mark. That right!
Neo Anderson say: Like old saying, orang dulu lawan dengan pedang, orang sekarang lawan dengan kata-kata. Orang bodoh lawan dengan penampar. Is it right?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:50:38 PM): u have to look at things at the bright side
Ratu Penampar (5:50:58 PM): but not for me!! sowie
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: So leave it. Don't make a big issue out of it. If you think you can't be a part of the group, then leave walk and shut the fuck up!
Neo Anderson say: Yeah. Just shut your ears. If you can’t fit in just go, and nobody will not stop you. You free do whatever you want just don’t touch my friends that all. Once you touch, I’ll teach you a lesson and you’ll suffer.
Ratu Penampar (5:51:07 PM): i just cant accept!!
Ratu Penampar (5:51:11 PM): sowie lah "Sumber Berguna"
Ratu Penampar (5:51:16 PM): lain org lain cara.
Ratu Penampar (5:51:23 PM): n i bukan golongan u guys
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Then? Ada tujuan kiteorg caci cerna and ruin yourlife right now adalah untuk tarik you masuk the group or this soceity clan? Darling kalau nak pujuk masuk group or sesuatu orgnanisasi die macam mana PKR nak tarik BN rep, bagi duit and janji manis. Bukan nye perli caci kutuk you occay! And it take you years to knew and realize you are actually not one of us. So be it. Lost!
Neo Anderson say: So what, you can’t accept us and ours can’t accept you. You go your way, We go our way. Stop crying and tries to tegakkan benang yang dah basah.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:51:56 PM): then i tak leh wat ape2 la
“Sumber Berguna” (5:52:04 PM): it all start dengan diri kite actually
“Sumber Berguna” (5:52:09 PM): kalo kite tak bleh terima
“Sumber Berguna” (5:52:15 PM): so baik tak yah campur
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Yes! Budak nie dah bagitau apa yang meks nak bgtau. But still, bengap tak paham paham jugak!
Neo Anderson say: Dia write in Malay right, don’t you understand. Read my lips don’t you understand? Kenapa la ada manusia macam ni lahir kat dunia ni.
Isis Natasha Ayutullah reply: Tujuan manusia seperti dilahirkan untuk dijadikan bahan ketawa dan hiburan hati.
Ratu Penampar (5:52:41 PM): sbb tu i x cmpr..
“Sumber Berguna” (5:52:23 PM): macam i,i memang dah prepare sume2 nieh
“Sumber Berguna” (5:52:29 PM): orang carut pasal gigi i ker ape ker
Ratu Penampar (5:52:52 PM): what ever!!
Ratu Penampar (5:52:57 PM): satu hari u akan tahu..
“Sumber Berguna” (5:52:40 PM): i lagi suke sebab itu care diorang care pasal i
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : LOL!! Meks terbahak baca ayat nie. Sorry nah. Meks addinch cukup budget nak belikan dawai kokot. Cube try mintak kat Neo Anderson. Die kan model. Banyak duit die. May be die leh contribute sikit.
Neo Anderson say: Be proud who you are. Whatever you can see and believe you will achieve.
Fabulousity is just state of mind, you’re fabulous when you think you are. Like me!!!
Once again forgive me Isis Natasha Ayutullah…LOL.
Ratu Penampar (5:53:12 PM): cukup lah segalanyer..
Ratu Penampar (5:53:17 PM): suke hati u lah..
Ratu Penampar (5:53:23 PM): enjoy wif ur fren ya!!
Ratu Penampar (5:53:33 PM): u xnk kwn ngan i pun xpe i x kisah!!
Ratu Penampar (5:53:40 PM): but one thing enuff is enuff
Ratu Penampar (5:54:23 PM): ok “Sumber Berguna”??
Ratu Penampar (5:54:25 PM): clear??
“Sumber Berguna” (5:54:07 PM): i kawan ngan sume orang
“Sumber Berguna” (5:54:10 PM): jangan salah paham
“Sumber Berguna” (5:54:15 PM): i tak memilih kawan
“Sumber Berguna” (5:54:19 PM): kalo i bukan kawan u
“Sumber Berguna” (5:54:25 PM): ade i kesah pasal hidup u sume2?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:54:37 PM): ade i layan u sume2?
“Sumber Berguna” (5:54:58 PM): i means that i want people and also urself see what's good inside of u and show it to people
“Sumber Berguna” (5:55:08 PM): ingat aku suke orang dok caci maki kawan2 aku
“Sumber Berguna” (5:55:21 PM): tue sebab aku post blog tue
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Meks terbayang this guys cakap sambil akt belakang die ada flag US and then lagu patriotik. GIle gempak wording and phrase die. LOL!!
Neo Anderson say: Me plak feeling this guy in a malay drama, like he old dad and Ratu Penampar adalah seorang anak derhaka yang sedang menangis bergolek di atas lantai. WTF Am I thinking???
“Sumber Berguna” (5:55:42 PM): just to tell u what goin on in my mind and what i wish u could do
Ratu Penampar (5:56:05 PM): tp blog u mcm menyalahkan i sepenuhnyer..
Ratu Penampar (5:56:17 PM): tolong lah "Sumber Berguna"..
Ratu Penampar (5:56:23 PM): mmg i salah amik drug tue..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Oh drling, I rasa you ada tertinggal a few other things yang you dah buat which is slap people, back stabbing, double faced and etc etc etc.
Neo Anderson say: hahaha, Isis Natasha Ayutullah just say what I want to say.
“Sumber Berguna” (5:56:13 PM): i tak kate i kesah sangat u amik drugs
“Sumber Berguna” (5:56:21 PM): just control urself from it la
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Yess! A lot of people amik drug and they obviously can control themselves. Look around you. A lot of our own friends take drugs jugak kan, ada derang act like a monkey, jumping around and simply attack people? Ado? Addinch kan!
Neo Anderson say: I am friend with drug addict, drug dealers and all of them don’t show off and know how to behave themselves. Yes, you look funny because that what you are, or to be true a clown, learn from your weakness and ugliness to be a better person. We say this because we care.
Ratu Penampar (5:56:43 PM): tp deep in me u tak tahu ape yg diorang buat kat i selama nie..
“Sumber Berguna” (5:56:26 PM): don't let it control u
Ratu Penampar (5:56:46 PM): dr tahun 2003
Ratu Penampar (5:57:04 PM): ramai org kat luar tahu perangai diorang mcm mane
“Sumber Berguna” (5:56:52 PM): yerr
Ratu Penampar (5:57:12 PM): suke jatuhkan org lain..
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Yeah, the gorup did jatuhkan I but hey, it is all because of you, seorang yang backstabber and double faced wicked bitch! But hey, I berjaya naik balik dan clear my name kan? So, kalau I yang sijil SPM leh wat, takkan you yang so called diploma holder tak leh? Impossible! Your have that so called crowns and diploma to brag off around but you can’tt hold up and stand, face the reality? Then what the point you have all those fame if actually yyou are the one who is coward to face the reality?
Neo Anderson say: Of course we do jatuhkan our enemy, you mess with us, and you will suffer for the rest of your life. I salute Isis Natasha Ayutullah for stand strong from her fall. She the survivor. Not a LOSER!!! A diploma holder takkan tak boleh fakir bende ni semua.
Isis Natasha Ayutullah reply: Propah sangat statement kat atas ni. Hanj! LOL!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:57:00 PM): aku tau ramai yang tak suke diorang
“Sumber Berguna” (5:57:06 PM): and ramai tak suke aku
“Sumber Berguna” (5:57:33 PM): but that means that diorang tak kenal mereka nieh betol2
Ratu Penampar (5:58:09 PM): i dh amat mengenali diorang..
Ratu Penampar (5:58:12 PM): dr tahun 2002
Ratu Penampar (5:58:14 PM): ok??
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say: Because you kenal I sangat that why you nak jatuhkan I dengan being a backstabber and double face? What a lame excuse! But tetibe I rasa macam I pun teringin nak jadi such a drama queen dengan menggunakan your excuse la. Ratu Penampar, dari dulu lagi I tau you sentap ngan I because I slim and good looking and cantik. My pictures lagi melerts and far away better dari your pictures. Kan? Sebab ko sentap ngan aku tu yang ko cari salah aku and backstabe and bermuka talam ngan aku kan? LOL!! But hey, meks tak se-confidensi macam ko. Claim that everyone envy you. Every one want to be just like you. Hello!! Meks tak nak jadi macam ko la. Meks tak nak jadi gile dan tidak berteman rapat. I repeat in English, ME NO LIKE (sebut Li-Key) TO BE YOU, NO BFF. Oh gosh, statement ala aal Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie!
Neo Anderson say: Yes, its all because you can’t control jelousy in you. I’m young, talented, and rich but I know where all that come from. I work very hard, build my name, my career, that why I’m worth paying. I don’t envy people but I do help people, financially, advise. I love to see all my friend success. Plus I don’t blame people like you do. I search for my weakness and I enhance myself. That where I am now. It’s all come from us. Inner abilities.
Isis Natasha Ayutullah reply: Hargh tuih! Bukan Ratu Penampar jew yang hargh tuih, meh sini aku sendiri hargh tuih dulu! LOL!!! Wakakakaka!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:58:44 PM): dengan diorang ni
“Sumber Berguna” (5:58:50 PM): kalo sentap2 slalu memang susah
“Sumber Berguna” (5:58:57 PM): sebab itu memang perangai diorang “Sumber Berguna” (5:59:00 PM): jangan katekan ko
“Sumber Berguna” (5:59:07 PM): aku pon dah kene banyak kali dah
“Sumber Berguna” (5:59:12 PM): at first tue cam terasa gak la
Ratu Penampar (5:59:41 PM): dh lah "Sumber Berguna", i xnk peningkan pale otak i ngan isuue bodoh nie.. its nuthin.. x membantu aku pun utk meneruskan idup!!
“Sumber Berguna” (5:59:28 PM): tapi bile dah lame2 baru aku tau yang kalo tak kene sehari carutan diorang memang tak lengkap
Ratu Penampar (6:00:06 PM): dh lah "Sumber Berguna", i xnk peningkan pale otak i ngan isuue bodoh nie.. its nuthin.. x membantu aku pun utk meneruskan idup!!
Ratu Penampar (6:00:07 PM): dh lah "Sumber Berguna", i xnk peningkan pale otak i ngan isuue bodoh nie.. its nuthin.. x membantu aku pun utk meneruskan idup!!
Isis Natasha Ayutullah say : Kalau tak larat nak dengar cacian, buat macam aku hanj. Buat bende lain. Tumpukan perhatiaan kepada bende yang lain. Jarang jumpe orang ramai. But kalo jumpe, tak de pun nak gado gado and tak perlu nak bertampar bagai. Buat sakit tangan jew!
Neo Anderson say: You started this issues and then you claimed that a stupid issues. That prove your mental ability in not in a good state. So what we can do if you can’t take our advice to be a better man? You stand for yourself too hard. Change if you can change nobody can help you just you.
Labels: Friendship, Life, Revenge

posted by Isis Natasha @ 01:31 2 Comments

Hiks! Merasalah meks sebenarnya hendak menghupdate entry inniew sejak 2 bulan yang lepas tapi asyik berada dalam draft sajork. Hik! Tetapi hari inniew meks telah berjaya untuk melengkapkan entry steambot inniew. Well, yer la meks asyik teruja tgk blog Fiebie, asyik asyik jalan sana, jalan sini, pergi makan sana, pergi makan sini. Lepas tue, meks pi blog Laurielle, meksbaca pulak entry recipies bagai kan. Sampai meks rasa motif meks addinch ada entry about foods? Adakah meks inniew ada eating disorder? Or issit tempat makan meks addinch best? Kan? Meks also mahu tunjuk kat the whole world, selain dari kisah-kisah gossip dan so-called "mengaibkan", meks also mahu cerita about something else kan. Lagipun, this is a universal blog without any specific topic kan?!
p/s : About the word "mengaibkan" ittiew, macam inniew kewsah die. About kewsah entry "Bile Ratu Kepuk Bersuara ...", kawan meks menerima SMS berbunyi, "Kenapa kawan baik ko tue mengaibkan aku lagi dalam blog die?". And kawan meks berkomen mengenai SMS ittiew, blog meks addinch mengaibkan die, tetapi die yang mengaibkan diri sendiri cos bende yang die buat itiew memang satu bende yang general knowledge. Dibuat di khalayak ramai. Ramai yang pandang dengan mata sendiri. Jadi adakah meks yang mengaibkan nyew? Tidak. Sedangkan disini, die sendiri yang menyalakan api ittiew, meks sekadar menambahkan minyak dan marakkan api tersebut! *wink*
Motif tetap ada masa untuk bergossip dan lari sedikit dari topic asal kan? LOL!!! Kan?! Neway, meks terjumpe this place secara tidak sengaja u'ols. Malam ittiew, meks addinch ingat malam bile, Ted, Mak Bee, Kast and meks menaiki kereta "BMW" yang berangkakan Kancil ke Concorde dengan tujuan untuk ke Melting Pots bagi menhiburkan diri dan bergossipan. Tetapi, kami begitu addinch berpuas hati dengan layanan yang diberikan oleh seorang waiter dan untuk mengelakkan adegan berbaling pinggan persis balingan bekas astray, kami terus beransur. Seterusnya, kami semua ke Grand Millenium Hotel kerna Mak Bee kata loungenye agak menarik dari segi santapan makanan dan mata. Tetapi alangkah malangnye, lepas bagi sajork kunci kepada jockey, meks sudah perasan lampu lounge tidak menyala. Yang lain tige ekor tue leh feeling kuar ngan spec mata hitam bagai masuk ke obby and meks stay in the car. Meks bilang sampai 5 and tak habis pung, meks nampak mereka bertiga, ala-ala kuar balik, masuk ke kereta dan terus keluar dari hotel tersebut. LOL!!
Lepas tue, Ted memberikan cadangan untuk kami ke La Meridian kat KL Sentral or ke Hilton KL cos dengar cerita, lounge / cafe bukak 24 hrs. On the way kat Jln Bukit Bintang, sekali Kast ternampak sign board, "Yi Qi Steamboat House. 24 Hours" kat restoren ground floor Hotel Federal. Terus la Mak Bee pergi ke jockey and we'ols proceed to kedai tersebut. Sampai kat depan kedai ittiew, meks tgk sign ittiew kecil sangat font die and bende ittiew tergantung kat pintu masuk restoren. Bayangkan u'ols. Kecik macam ittiew, pun Kast leh baca dari dalam a moving car kan? Meks sujud u'ols! Kast memang ada such gifted things when it comes to food. (larik!!)
Sebelum masuk ke restoren ittiew, we'ols expect the retoren's deco would be a so-so la kan yerla, it is Federal Hotel kan?! But sekali masuk, nah! The restoren have at least about 10 privates rooms that can accomodate atleast 8 people each and tempat makan biasa macam kt restoren lain pun ada but in form of cubicles la (dah macam bunyi public toilet dah! - tul ke wording yang pakai ni yerk?! Lantak la!). We'ols masuk ke private room yang paling depan sekali - yang menghadap ke Jalan Bukit Bintang. Dengan harapan nanti leh la ikut Pak Arab ke bilik hotel mereka untuk menunjukkan betapa mesranya dan friendly rakyat Malaysia nie kan? LOL!!
Masa kat dalam bilik ittiew, which leh accomodate 8 people, siap ada 2 stoves and also a lazy chair ala ala cleopatra and a fuschia pink - lime green curtains (which meks rasa satu combination yang vast dan cantiks!), Mak Bee yang perasan dulu yang 2 biji lampshade kat atas console table dalam bilik tersebut was actually Elizabeth Arden. So, totally meks nye first impression about this restorennye deco salah yerk! Meks teruja dangan dengan lampshade yang ala-ala print retro ittiew!
This restoren die bukan nye charge you ikut pax tau u'ols. It is actually ala-carte and terkedek-kedek la jugak we'ols nak memilih foods yang menjadi pilihan. Kast sudah tentu memesan kesmua yang tersenrai di menu, tetapi Mak Bee pula nak order something different. And for stater, actually we'ols have dimsum. And it is sungguh comel and makan with halia with soy sauce. Sedap u'ols!!

Malam ittiew, we'ols order Set Steamboat yang biasa, MYR30.00 (sorry u'ols, we'ols teruja dengan set up sampai lupa untuk mengambil gambar), Seafood Steamboat, MYR50.00 (which ada tiger prawns, salmon, crab, oysters - 4 keing oysters rasanya and etc), a few ala carte macam prans dupplings (each MYR1.50), extra oysters (MYR2 each), yee mee (MYR5/plate). And for the drink, herba chinese tea (apa ntah nama die meks addinch ingat) MYR5/pax and meks pula order fresh fruit yang dihidangkan dalam tumbler, MYR5/pax. For drinks, refill FOC and u'ols need to request and tak yah nak segan segan request refill ittiew. Cos at that time, Kast ngan meks nye tgn asyik berlawan angkat jew - refill drinks. LOL!!!
Steamboat die ada 2 jenis sup tau u'ols. Actually satu sajork sup. The other one actually is bubur, yang dihidangkan last sekali dan sedap nyum nyum nyum. Mula-mula, die hidangkan macam sayur salad, cendawan and sayur apa ntah with special sauce. Lazat. Berebut-berabut we'ols amik. And then die hidangkan yang set steamboat biasa ittiew. Lepas tue baru die hidangkan seafood set ittiew. Seafood set ittiew my fave cos die lepas dah rebus dalam sup ittiew, digaulkan ngan lenyekkan tomato, speaicl sauce (Mak Bee ngan meks punya la bersusah payah nak dapatkan nama sauce ittiew dengan harapan leh bukak 2nd Yi Qi kat rumah - tidak berjaya!) and a lil bit soy sauce. Sedap gilew. Oh, lupa. makanan ittiew semua boleh dicicahkan dengan 3 jenis sauce. Thai sauce, cili sauce (cili ni bukan ala-ala sos maggi tue tau - ni mmg cili padi yang di hiris-hiris, blend - pedas ya amat but tasty!) and lebihan sauce halia yang sepatutnya dimakan dengan dimsum masa stater tadi.
Lepas dah abis, baru die akan masukkan yee mee dalam sup yang digunakan untuk merebus bebahan steambot ittiew. Dan dihidangkan sebagai Mee dalam mangkuk bulat putih. And meks amik gamabr inniew bukan untuk tunjuk gambar mee ittiew, tetapi untuk tunjuk mangkuk tersebut. mangkuk tue sangat cantik adn adorable! And then, finale baru die hidang bubur. Menarik kan?! Sedap sangat. Lepas dah habis hirup makan bagai bubur ittiew, we'ols feeling macam nak makan dessert sambil menghisap rokok. (By that time, battery phone dah abis - no pictures). Nak tahu dessert apa yang ada? Cuma ada due jenis dessert, Durian Pancake and Friend Durian. Hanj?! Lepas makan sure kentut berbau. Neway, cos rasa nak cuba ittiew kuar sangat, we'ols order due. And memandangkan Ted tak makan durian, so Mak Bee makan sorang, meks kongsi ngan Kast. Actually pancake ittiew macam, isi durian + whipped cream disaluti dengan satu lapisan nipis yang boleh dimakan and bentuk set up dessert inniew memang seperti ulas durian yang baru dikopek. Cantik dan sedap!
Labels: Blogging, Food, Life, Restaurant

posted by Isis Natasha @ 08:50 1 Comments

Hiks! Merasalah minggu inniew meks leh klasifikasikan sebagai minggu gigih kerna almost setiap hati meks membuat entry at least satu entry per day kan?! Hiks! Well, anyway, semalammeks bekerja malam dan balika round 12.30. Jadi mek addinch dapat menghadirkan diri untuk pergi ke Party Koktel Fashion Stylo kat Pavillion walaupun telah didesak oleh PA designer Syarifah Kirana, Ted. Nak wat macam mana, kite bekerja kan. Tak leh la nak gi. And then, meks terkejut untuk menerima khabar berita bahawa antara tetamu yang hadir dan mempunyai backstage passes ialah Ahfad dan juga Southern Son. Occay. Supposedly, meks juga akan ada backstage passes ittiew. And leh try on a few dress by Kirana la kot. Hiks! But tak per la, next time. Meks addinch sentap and tak terkilan langsung. Anyway, it is just a fasion show, yang penuh dengan glam, glitterings, big names and also celebrities. And not to forget, fab designs and outfit. *sigh!*
And lepas ittiew, derang lepak kat Kak Ara Coffehouse and barulah depa ajak meks, dan meks leh join mereka. Meks gi sana ngan Mak Bee. Neway, meks makan alot jugak la. Siap tambah 2 kali nasi. Merasalah berat akannaik lepas nie!! Lepas dah makan dan sembang bagai, tetiba datang la sat gerombolan manusia dari La Ratu , antaranya adalah Y the famous dancer, AJ Altantuya (dah lama meks addinch tulis AJ Altantuya kan?) and also Ratu Kepok.
p/s : For futher details about Ratu Kepok, u'ols boleh la pergi ke blog Y, click here, here and here.
Ratu Kepok duduk dan bersalaman dan memulakan pemberitahuan gossip terkini dan meks seperti roang ngantk disorong bantal mendengar dengan penuh asyik. Occay, u'ols masih ingat tak akan Ratu Gila? Or Y dalam blog die memanggil that child as Ratu Penampar. Hiks! Neway, Macam inniew cerita nye.
Ratu Kepok bagitau kat meks yang salah seorang emcee terkenal di Kuala Lumpur memegang satu dress milik Bekas Miss Universe dan juga st Runner Up Miss IQP (satu ketika dulu). Dan tetibe Ratu Penampar inniew pung ala ala msg di Ym untuk meminta dress ittiew. Katanya dress ittiew milik kawan nye bernama Azmi. Meks addinch tahulah samada si Azmi ni mmg wujud, or mmg kawan nye or sekadar illusion Ratu Penampar sajork. yerla, bile sash Britney Spears Malaysia dah tersarung di dada, anything can happen kan? LOL!! Dan adakah inniew rupa Ratu Penapar in another perhaps 10 years lagi? And picture inniew yang kuar bile type Britney Spears Insane kat Yahoo. LOL!!!

Ratu Penampar ittiew dengan riaknya berkata, "Addinch. U'ols bagi la dress ittiew." and emcee ittiew masih berkeras dengan prinsip nye. Meks tabik akan ketegasan prinsip kehidupannya. Emceee ittiew jugak berkata, "bukan tak nak bagi, but u'ols bagilah dress kat u'ols ittiew". Sekali, Ratu Penampar pulak balas, "Cik, aku cakap baik baik nie". Aiyooo, adakah inniew maksudnya statement memulakan peperangan yerk?
And then, emcee ittiew pun kata, "yer la, sebab tue meks also berkata baik baik". And suddenly, the climax u'ols, Ratu Penampar ittiew terus menulis di status YM nyew, "Setakat SPM dah nak berlagak". Aiyoooo!!! Apakah maksudnya ittiew?
Adakah mereka SPM holder hina? Herlow, excuse me darl! Even tho derang hanya SPM holder but derang tak gila tau. And also derang lebih successful dari engkau. Dengar cerita skunk ni tahap kegilaan nye dah melampau dan bekerja di hotel. What happen ngan pekerjaan yang dibanggakan dengan bank ittiew? Dipecat kerna tidak waras? Atau pun bank ittiew tidak mahu menampung kos pembiayai perubatan Ratu Penampar inniew di dlam unit rawatan rapi Tampoi? Begitu banyak spekulasi dan juda issue yang boleh digarap dan dikupas dari kejadian inniew.
Tetapi meks rasakan, bahawa education qualification hanya layak untuk menjadi taraf perbandingan didalam kerjaya tetapi bukan dalam life. Cos apa guna bile wada education hanya setinggi Diploma or Degree tetapi gile, busuk hati dan kehidupan sehari-hari penuih dengan noda dan sifat mazmumah yang dikeji oleh masyarakat setempat, kan?! Dan apa gunanya ko ada so-called great diploma but tak ada pekerjaan? And what the point ko ada diploma yang ko agungkan ittiew tetapi ianya hanyalah dari kolej biasa yang bukan bergelar University? hanya satu kolabrasi dengan University tempatan? Dan yang paling penting and the most important, apa gunanya ko ada diploama ittiew sekiranya engkau addinch ada kawan? Diploma aittiew hanya sekeping kertas yang kalau dibakar api hangus, direndam air basah. Tidak mampu untuk berkata dan menemani engkau dikala duka. Berbanding dengan mereka yang mempunyai hanya helaian SPM yang engkau hina ittiew, mereka mempunyai kawan yang normal, tidak gila, boleh berpetah dan berkata. Dan sudah pasti kehidupan mereka lebih bagus dari kehidapuan engkau!
Hiks! Sesungguhnya meks bersimpati dan kasihani pada diri engkau dan meks akan mendoakan dan berembahyang hajat agar engaku cepat sembuh dan ditarik keluar air dunia kegilaan inniew!
p/s : Housemate meks ada bagitau last 3 days, Ratu Penampar ala ala meroyan kat tasik, bercakap sorang-sorang. Tak tahu betul la tidak?! *wink*
Labels: Blogging, Friendship, Life

posted by Isis Natasha @ 17:00 0 Comments