Sunday, March 15
Apa Khabar Sayang!!!!Sehat kew semuanya? Pembaca blog meks sehat? To all my secret admirer semuanya sehat? Hiks! Feeling sajork!! Neway today meks nak ceritakan or nak wat satu review movie. Sebenarnya movie inniew meks memang tersenarai dalam "must watch list". Ghitts! Movie apa? WatchMen of cos!!
Hiks! Sebenarnya kalau tak silap, thriller nie meks tertengok masa gi tengok movie Underworld 3 ngan Dar, Mahad, Abang semualah. Yang terus gi karaoke jamban lepas tue. Masa ittiew, dari thriller tengok memang gemapk gilew. It was like a wow at the first sight. Hahahaha. Meks sebenarnya tengah main type jew niew. Hiks!~ Dari segi thriller effect die memang melerts gilew. And masa ittiew Dar cakap, nak gi tengok. Occay fine. Meks pun also nak tengok cos ada satu watak bogel all the time katanya - kaler biru and glow in the dark some more. Hahahahhahaa. Macam sial sajork!
So, detik yang dinanti-nantikan pun tibe. Sebenarnya meks addinch tahu nak wat apa today - so meks pun as usual - call everyone in my phone book (yess people, kalau u'ols kene call ngan meks and sembang lama-lama ittiew bukan apa, meaning meks tengah buhsan and tak tau nak wat apa. LOL!!)And meks pun tercall Aidy Netcare. Sembang bagai ala ala kononnya nak ajak gi makan makan and he said die nak gi tengok movie later citew Watchmen ngan bebudak technical. So, meks pun tanpa berpikir panjang cakap occay sajork. Die kata movie kul 12.40 and meks tengok jam it was 9.30 baru. Apa meks nak at sampai 3 hours nie. Erm, lets ke pavillion sajork and online kat starbuck (online katanya, walhal nak cuci matakan. Hiks!)
Meks sampai-sampai sajork meks terus as usual order as usual, caramel frappucino grande + whipped cream + extra caramel and start to online. Bukak facebook jew, wow! Ada 54 friend request and 14 friend suggestion. Erm, as usual all of them are stangers and ada la afewbudak office yang baaru bukak FB. Inbox unread message 56 and mostly spam sajokr. DELETE sajork unwnated emails macam tue. *wink* Online-online siap main travian niew, sekali Vanilla sms me (vanilla is someone yang meks taste - guy #1) and at the same time Choco buzz me kat YM (also meks taste guy#2 - meks will wat entry tue sendiri later). Wah wah wah serentak due due message meks, macam nak suruh wat pemilihan lak. Sial tul!
Sedar-sedar online dah kul 12.00 and bebudak starbuck tue including si Fairuz yang comel (hiks!) cakap die nak wat closing dah. Meks pung ala ala macam wat terkejut tengok peredaran masa and he said, "La takkan tak perasan dah kul 12. Tue la khusyuk sangat online sampai orang tegur pun tak perasan". Meks hanya mampu sengih + manja + comel sajork. Turn out, Fairuz nie actually kawan or sort of jiran Firdaus masa kat Taman Shamerlin Perkasa. What a small world kan? SO meks pun pack my stuff and ahead to my car at B1 nak gi letakkan lappy. Meks ada realise meks kuar jew dari starbuck tue ada sorang guys say hye and meks toleh and just smile la - as sweet as i can be. Hehehehehe. Meks terus turun escalator. Meks pun ke kete and letak alppy tutup bonet kete and lock it. Meks nak gi balik jew masuk dalam, suddenly the guy yang say hye kat starbuck tue approach meks. Die ikut meks rupanya. Nak merompak kew apa nie. Meks ala ala panic sikit. Sekali die hulurkan tangan and introduce himself as Zack. And meks pun shake hand and said "I'm Isis" and he politely asked for my number. Seyesly he is not my type - a lil bit berisi. Die tak berisi as in chub ke apa ke, but he is not my type - slim fit. Meks leh ala ala macam tergamam and terkesima diam for about half minute and then reply, "I'm with my boyfriend upstairs". And he just said, "oh occay. I figured. Someone like you should have a bf already". Oh God, gilew polite and gentlemen budak nie. But seyesly he is not my tpe. Cuber kalau die my type harus die mintak number phone meks terus jawab, "My house kat setiawangsa, you drive?". Hahahaha . Kan? But what with his statement, "... some one like you should have a bf already". Macam perli jew? And then why on earth I'm still single and conflict between Vanilla and Choco or some guys that really matters in my daily life? (Mana movie review niew? Aiyooo).
And die pun shake hands ngan meks and cakap he is bout to take a move and meks just smile sajork. Masuk jew life and press button 5, meks keep hitting my head banging kat dinding lift - how am I so stupid and let such quality guy go away. Bodoh tul meks masa tue. Meks kuar kuar jew lift and step out, meks terus jenguk ke bawah mana la tau that guy kejar lagi kew - kalau ada meks akan bagi number la of cos. But baru ajew nak jenguk, Aidy, Mumu and another new batch recruit for Netcare - kuar dari lift sebelah. Occay, meks melepas la peluang ittiew. Terus meks jalan ngan Aidy - cos sah sah when meks wearing heels standing beside Aiidy leh lebey kurang sama sajork tinggi meks ngan die. Tak la nampak ackward sangat. Hiks! Lepas dah beli tiket and standing kat hall tue kejab, suddenly the guy (ala budak Netcare baru tue - later meks found out he is actually from Lynsis) tanya meks dari gombak ke tak. Meks angguk sajork and ask whether rumah my aprent number 12. Meks ala ala memberikan curious look yang paling comel cos ada mat salleh tengah staring at meks dari counter popcorn kat hujung sana. And meks baru la realise, budak tue is actually duduk umah sebelah rumah my mum. Kongsi gate. my house number 12 and his house number 10. Sebelah sajork. Kongsi dinding kot!! Aiyoo. This is indeed a small world. Aiyooo! Last time meks jumpe die rasa nye masa meks kindergaten I guess. Lepas tue die pindah Terengganu ke Penang meks not sure - but his grandparents continue to live kat rumah tue. Hiks! Malu seyh!

Labels: Movie Outing, Movie Review

posted by Isis Natasha @ 23:19