Tagged By Soffee Net Care
Tuesday, August 19
Salam Sayang Semuanya!!
Sebelum meks meneruskan ucapan dan tulisan pena inniew, meks nak mintak maaf di atas kesibukan dan sifat malas meks yang semakin hari sukar dibendung. Biasalah, biler berbahagia berumah tangga, everything come second. Ghitoo!~
Neway, since dah lama tak update blog yang bersawang but tetap ada pengunjung inniew, so meks rasa it is time to update a bit. Sebentar tadi masa meks sedang dok galak berchat tro my YM with my lovely hubby, (LOL!!!), meks ala ala menerima satu message kat facebook meks, from Soffee Net Care. Katanya, "u been tag!!! check at htpp://sof-fee.blogspot.com". Not again. Lepas meks tekan refresh and enter berkali-kali tetap la tak kuar paper langsung. Check punye check, bahalol tul Soffee nie. Motif ko salah type blog address sendiri? Tahu tak meks ni dah la tgh demam, dah jadi macam org bodoh yang cantik rfresh dan enter sampai nak punah keyboard ofice nie. LOL!! (matilah Soffee tak nak amik call tranfer meks after this ... ala ala ala kuci kuci)
Occay, here it goes for the tagged session again!!
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questionaire underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is alot funnier if you write the names randomly. No Cheating!!
U'ols rasa meks macam huh? Motif "a tagged without a name"? Kan? Sapa yherk nama 5 people tue? Erm ... meks rasa meks nak letak :
1. Ted
2. AJ
3. Sofia
4. Laurielle
5. Y Darklighter
Reminder : Don't read ahead unless you fill above names first!
Question 1 : How do you meet 1?
Macam mana meet no 1? No 1 is Ted la kan? Erm, macam mana meet number 1 yerk? Well it is damn long story. Well, i kenal sorang budak nie named Ben Farid Azhar. and masa Ben tue baru berhijrah ke Kuala Lumpur, die stay ngan Ted. So masa clubbing bagai, masa tue selalu la jumpe Ted. Some more masa ted couple with my adik, lagi la rapat. And now meks astu rumah ngan Ted and dah anggap macam abang sendiri. Cukup tak description ringkas ittiew?
Question 2 : On the Scale od 1 - 10, how you rate your relationship with no 1?
Erm, i guess would be 9 kot. Cos I comfortable to pillow talk and tell Ted everything, from guys to scandals to Rizal or anything. Senang. And die selalunya bagi advice yang membina dan membantu. *wink*
Question 3 : How long have you known 4?
Let see, sat nah! No 4 is Lea Laurielle aka LKY. Meks kenal die, I mean knew her as Laurielle masa tahun 2005 kat blue bar. Tgk die pakai wig rambut putih and short dress kaler putih. Masa tue kurus and cantik. But now cantik jugak and kurus also. Sama je and addinch ada perbezaan. And then dalam conferance YM, first time la berkenalan denagn Laurielle betul2 and baca blog and add myspace and everything. First time jumpe, masa Miss Malaysia whereby Laurielle jadi judge yang supposed to bagi meks the corwn instead die bagi corwn tue kat Miss Sarawak. (LOL!! Berangan nieh!) masa tue, die pakai baju kebaya kaler pink and buna hijau, corset hijau and mini skirt, strapless heels yang ada ikatgelang indian yang byk2 tue ngan benang itam. LOL!!!
Question 4 : How do you know number 3?
Number 3 is ooo, Sofia. Ni lagi long story u'ols! She is actually my fren dari secondry school. Kenal die lite2 masa form 2, masa meks baru jew pindah masuk sekolah die. But rapat masa form 4 until habis form 5. And then ala ala ter-lost contact for few years until recently. Hiks! My Best Buddy occay! BFF!
Question 5 : Where 5?
No 5 ni sapa? Oh Y darklighter. Erm, at the moment die tak online YM die, so i expect mesti die kat kedai mummy die sebok menjahit. Tak pun tengah makan. Hiks!
Question 6 : A Fact about number 1?
A fact about Ted? Well i leh jew bagitau plenty but here is something may b not many of us realise before. Die mmg katek naturally. **larik!!!!
Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with?
Erm, Laurielle kuar ngan sapa? Well, meks jarang berjumpe scandal die or her bf at the moment. Not even knew whether she is in a r/ship or not. But I knew something before, kalau kire dari dulu till now, plenty kot yag die dating. Opps!
Question 8 : What does no 1 do for living?
Pereka cipta dan pembuat kad ucapan yang cantiks and also pengusaha, pembuat cake (cupcakes, miniature cake and hole cake) and pereka tata rias icing fondant yang berjaya. Over kew description ittiew? But betul u'ols. Meks byk kali tepah ngan die. Sedap and cantik. And sapa-sapa nak tempah u'ols leh tempah tro i sajo2k! *wink*
Question 9 : Would you live with number 3?
Ngan Sofiah? Gile. nanti laki die marah die. LOL!! kot la kan meks rasa. LOL!
Question 10 : What do you like about no 2?
No 2 is AJ. Well, apa lagi kalau bukan his fab statement yang mampu untuk mmebuatkan i pecah perut tergelak. *wink*
Question 11 : Do you miss number 5?
Sapa number 5 nieh? Y Darklighter? Motif aku miss die? LOL!! But he is a good friend anyway. But ak la sampai rindu bagai semua.
Question 12 : Would oyu make out with number 4?
Well, there are rumours kat seluruh KL yang Laurielle's is actually gergastua dan big big big. But since it si Laurielle, tak nak la. Tak lalu. LOL!!! But
Question 13 : What you opinion of number 2?
U'ols perasan tak? Meks rasa macam dalam citer James Bond, No 2 la bagai semua kan. Hiks! What my opinion bout number 2 aka AJ? Well, a very good fren nickname Altantuya and with a very good statement to live with! LOL!! Kidding AJ dearie!
Question 14 : What is your fave memory with number 5?
Erm, eks rasa tak banyak la except for chatting maca org gile and laha oang ew kat conference dulu. But can i change the wording question nie? Kalau tanya meks, what is your fave memory of number 5? meks leh la jawab. Seeing darklighter nari atas podium kat La Ratu. Penguin happy feet sgt but comel!
Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2?
Ted ngan AJ? LOL!!! gelak besar and jerit "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY INSANSE?" LOL!!! But tak tau la kalo masing2 taste kat each other but tak bgtau to me or bgtau each other kan? Opps!
Question 16 : ever had a long conversation with number 5?
Erm, well, virutally tro YM yess, masa kuar jumpe kat luar nope, cos selalu jumpe die pun masa kat Malibu. So semua concerntrate nak mamam jew especially Y kan!
Question 17 : have you ever elspt at number 2's house?
Well, nope i guess. None of us pernah cos AJ stay with his family. But AJ ada la tidow kat rumah org2 lain. A few times! LOL!!
Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?
Erm, yeah some time. Ada la jumpe. But selama ni, kebanyakkan nye meks rasa nak bnuh jew Sofiah tue. Cos motif ko berjumpe ajak kuar breakfast. Ko paham tak maksud bercuti dan bersenang lenang atas katil selepas penat berasmara dana bagai? LOL!!! No lah, recently kiteorg gi taior sama sama. *wink*
Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
Mesti la Sofiah. Dari 1999 until now. dah nak dekat 10 tahun dah!
Question 20 : How often do you talk to number 1?
Almost everyday. Kalao i balik kerje sometime telefon tanya dah makan lum? Dengan harapan I belikan dinner? Tidak! sajew jew tanya. LOL!! kadang2 update about my lovers and scandal to him but tue before. Now selalu i cerita bout Rizal jew. *wink*
Question 21 : What about number 2?
Well, last time yang meks semabng ngan AJ, masa meks singgah ngan Ahfad ke kedai die. That was few month back masa gi KLCC beli my guess metallic heels. Dah lama tak semabng ngan die. Nak call la AJ kejab lagi. *wink*
Question 22 : Have you every thought 3 more than a friend?
Erm, well yeah. But I dont agree and do not support lesbianisme anyway. Not as more than a friend dalam lingkungan relatioship yang korang pikir kan gilew! Choy with lesbianisme. I think Sofiah is more than a friend - she is a shopping mate, member ngumpat, fashionista and also member ngutuk Ili. LOL!!! *matilah!
Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with number 5?
Well, go out for friend catching up occay. Date NEVER!
Question 24 : Do you dream about number 2?
Dream about AJ? Motif nak dream about AJ? Dream die kene maki and kuarkan statement hanjing ada la! LOL!! Miss u lah!
Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that you never forget?
LOL!! Ada kew? Ada la a few entries die about me kat blog die and also to have such a famous and well-known friend and die bubuh u akt top friend friend list mean alot occay. Hiks! Yerla comparing myself to Lady Lea kan? Hiks!~
Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he never forget?
Lor .. apa puna soalan nie? Mana la meks tahu apa yang meks dah wat pada Ted yang die tak pernah lupakan. Tanya die sendiri! LOL!!
Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?
Erm, dating with Hafiz, sembang ngan Hafiz and menari. but meks rasa 2 terawal tue bukan hobby tapi responsibility. LOL!!
Question 28 : Who do u want to tag?
Semua di atas, number 1 sampailah number 5. Hiks! Merasalah officially meks tagged :
- Ted - http://teddieville.blogspot.com/
- AJ - http://ajbluestar2u.blogspot.com/
- Sofiah - http://mizlebah.blogspot.com/
- Lea Laurielle - http://lea-laurielle.blogspot.com/
- Y darklighter - http://y2gay.blogspot.com/
Merasalah! *wink*
Sebelum meks meneruskan ucapan dan tulisan pena inniew, meks nak mintak maaf di atas kesibukan dan sifat malas meks yang semakin hari sukar dibendung. Biasalah, biler berbahagia berumah tangga, everything come second. Ghitoo!~
Neway, since dah lama tak update blog yang bersawang but tetap ada pengunjung inniew, so meks rasa it is time to update a bit. Sebentar tadi masa meks sedang dok galak berchat tro my YM with my lovely hubby, (LOL!!!), meks ala ala menerima satu message kat facebook meks, from Soffee Net Care. Katanya, "u been tag!!! check at htpp://sof-fee.blogspot.com". Not again. Lepas meks tekan refresh and enter berkali-kali tetap la tak kuar paper langsung. Check punye check, bahalol tul Soffee nie. Motif ko salah type blog address sendiri? Tahu tak meks ni dah la tgh demam, dah jadi macam org bodoh yang cantik rfresh dan enter sampai nak punah keyboard ofice nie. LOL!! (matilah Soffee tak nak amik call tranfer meks after this ... ala ala ala kuci kuci)
Occay, here it goes for the tagged session again!!
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questionaire underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is alot funnier if you write the names randomly. No Cheating!!
U'ols rasa meks macam huh? Motif "a tagged without a name"? Kan? Sapa yherk nama 5 people tue? Erm ... meks rasa meks nak letak :
1. Ted
2. AJ
3. Sofia
4. Laurielle
5. Y Darklighter
Reminder : Don't read ahead unless you fill above names first!
Question 1 : How do you meet 1?
Macam mana meet no 1? No 1 is Ted la kan? Erm, macam mana meet number 1 yerk? Well it is damn long story. Well, i kenal sorang budak nie named Ben Farid Azhar. and masa Ben tue baru berhijrah ke Kuala Lumpur, die stay ngan Ted. So masa clubbing bagai, masa tue selalu la jumpe Ted. Some more masa ted couple with my adik, lagi la rapat. And now meks astu rumah ngan Ted and dah anggap macam abang sendiri. Cukup tak description ringkas ittiew?
Question 2 : On the Scale od 1 - 10, how you rate your relationship with no 1?
Erm, i guess would be 9 kot. Cos I comfortable to pillow talk and tell Ted everything, from guys to scandals to Rizal or anything. Senang. And die selalunya bagi advice yang membina dan membantu. *wink*
Question 3 : How long have you known 4?
Let see, sat nah! No 4 is Lea Laurielle aka LKY. Meks kenal die, I mean knew her as Laurielle masa tahun 2005 kat blue bar. Tgk die pakai wig rambut putih and short dress kaler putih. Masa tue kurus and cantik. But now cantik jugak and kurus also. Sama je and addinch ada perbezaan. And then dalam conferance YM, first time la berkenalan denagn Laurielle betul2 and baca blog and add myspace and everything. First time jumpe, masa Miss Malaysia whereby Laurielle jadi judge yang supposed to bagi meks the corwn instead die bagi corwn tue kat Miss Sarawak. (LOL!! Berangan nieh!) masa tue, die pakai baju kebaya kaler pink and buna hijau, corset hijau and mini skirt, strapless heels yang ada ikatgelang indian yang byk2 tue ngan benang itam. LOL!!!
Question 4 : How do you know number 3?
Number 3 is ooo, Sofia. Ni lagi long story u'ols! She is actually my fren dari secondry school. Kenal die lite2 masa form 2, masa meks baru jew pindah masuk sekolah die. But rapat masa form 4 until habis form 5. And then ala ala ter-lost contact for few years until recently. Hiks! My Best Buddy occay! BFF!
Question 5 : Where 5?
No 5 ni sapa? Oh Y darklighter. Erm, at the moment die tak online YM die, so i expect mesti die kat kedai mummy die sebok menjahit. Tak pun tengah makan. Hiks!
Question 6 : A Fact about number 1?
A fact about Ted? Well i leh jew bagitau plenty but here is something may b not many of us realise before. Die mmg katek naturally. **larik!!!!
Question 7 : Who is no 4 going out with?
Erm, Laurielle kuar ngan sapa? Well, meks jarang berjumpe scandal die or her bf at the moment. Not even knew whether she is in a r/ship or not. But I knew something before, kalau kire dari dulu till now, plenty kot yag die dating. Opps!
Question 8 : What does no 1 do for living?
Pereka cipta dan pembuat kad ucapan yang cantiks and also pengusaha, pembuat cake (cupcakes, miniature cake and hole cake) and pereka tata rias icing fondant yang berjaya. Over kew description ittiew? But betul u'ols. Meks byk kali tepah ngan die. Sedap and cantik. And sapa-sapa nak tempah u'ols leh tempah tro i sajo2k! *wink*
Question 9 : Would you live with number 3?
Ngan Sofiah? Gile. nanti laki die marah die. LOL!! kot la kan meks rasa. LOL!
Question 10 : What do you like about no 2?
No 2 is AJ. Well, apa lagi kalau bukan his fab statement yang mampu untuk mmebuatkan i pecah perut tergelak. *wink*
Question 11 : Do you miss number 5?
Sapa number 5 nieh? Y Darklighter? Motif aku miss die? LOL!! But he is a good friend anyway. But ak la sampai rindu bagai semua.
Question 12 : Would oyu make out with number 4?
Well, there are rumours kat seluruh KL yang Laurielle's is actually gergastua dan big big big. But since it si Laurielle, tak nak la. Tak lalu. LOL!!! But
Question 13 : What you opinion of number 2?
U'ols perasan tak? Meks rasa macam dalam citer James Bond, No 2 la bagai semua kan. Hiks! What my opinion bout number 2 aka AJ? Well, a very good fren nickname Altantuya and with a very good statement to live with! LOL!! Kidding AJ dearie!
Question 14 : What is your fave memory with number 5?
Erm, eks rasa tak banyak la except for chatting maca org gile and laha oang ew kat conference dulu. But can i change the wording question nie? Kalau tanya meks, what is your fave memory of number 5? meks leh la jawab. Seeing darklighter nari atas podium kat La Ratu. Penguin happy feet sgt but comel!
Question 15 : What would you do if number 1 going out with number 2?
Ted ngan AJ? LOL!!! gelak besar and jerit "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY INSANSE?" LOL!!! But tak tau la kalo masing2 taste kat each other but tak bgtau to me or bgtau each other kan? Opps!
Question 16 : ever had a long conversation with number 5?
Erm, well, virutally tro YM yess, masa kuar jumpe kat luar nope, cos selalu jumpe die pun masa kat Malibu. So semua concerntrate nak mamam jew especially Y kan!
Question 17 : have you ever elspt at number 2's house?
Well, nope i guess. None of us pernah cos AJ stay with his family. But AJ ada la tidow kat rumah org2 lain. A few times! LOL!!
Question 18 : Do you hang out with number 3 often?
Erm, yeah some time. Ada la jumpe. But selama ni, kebanyakkan nye meks rasa nak bnuh jew Sofiah tue. Cos motif ko berjumpe ajak kuar breakfast. Ko paham tak maksud bercuti dan bersenang lenang atas katil selepas penat berasmara dana bagai? LOL!!! No lah, recently kiteorg gi taior sama sama. *wink*
Question 19 : Who do you known the longest?
Mesti la Sofiah. Dari 1999 until now. dah nak dekat 10 tahun dah!
Question 20 : How often do you talk to number 1?
Almost everyday. Kalao i balik kerje sometime telefon tanya dah makan lum? Dengan harapan I belikan dinner? Tidak! sajew jew tanya. LOL!! kadang2 update about my lovers and scandal to him but tue before. Now selalu i cerita bout Rizal jew. *wink*
Question 21 : What about number 2?
Well, last time yang meks semabng ngan AJ, masa meks singgah ngan Ahfad ke kedai die. That was few month back masa gi KLCC beli my guess metallic heels. Dah lama tak semabng ngan die. Nak call la AJ kejab lagi. *wink*
Question 22 : Have you every thought 3 more than a friend?
Erm, well yeah. But I dont agree and do not support lesbianisme anyway. Not as more than a friend dalam lingkungan relatioship yang korang pikir kan gilew! Choy with lesbianisme. I think Sofiah is more than a friend - she is a shopping mate, member ngumpat, fashionista and also member ngutuk Ili. LOL!!! *matilah!
Question 23 : May be you want to go out for a date with number 5?
Well, go out for friend catching up occay. Date NEVER!
Question 24 : Do you dream about number 2?
Dream about AJ? Motif nak dream about AJ? Dream die kene maki and kuarkan statement hanjing ada la! LOL!! Miss u lah!
Question 25 : What did number 4 did to you that you never forget?
LOL!! Ada kew? Ada la a few entries die about me kat blog die and also to have such a famous and well-known friend and die bubuh u akt top friend friend list mean alot occay. Hiks! Yerla comparing myself to Lady Lea kan? Hiks!~
Question 26 : What have you done to number 1 that he never forget?
Lor .. apa puna soalan nie? Mana la meks tahu apa yang meks dah wat pada Ted yang die tak pernah lupakan. Tanya die sendiri! LOL!!
Question 27 : What is number 3's hobby?
Erm, dating with Hafiz, sembang ngan Hafiz and menari. but meks rasa 2 terawal tue bukan hobby tapi responsibility. LOL!!
Question 28 : Who do u want to tag?
Semua di atas, number 1 sampailah number 5. Hiks! Merasalah officially meks tagged :
- Ted - http://teddieville.blogspot.com/
- AJ - http://ajbluestar2u.blogspot.com/
- Sofiah - http://mizlebah.blogspot.com/
- Lea Laurielle - http://lea-laurielle.blogspot.com/
- Y darklighter - http://y2gay.blogspot.com/
Merasalah! *wink*
Labels: Blogging, Friendship, Tag

posted by Isis Natasha @ 14:11
