Sunday, September 16
Hye u'ols!!!
Tu diah! Kini asyik asyik before this Isis Natasha keudara samada dari Gombak or Jalan Semarak, now Isis ke udara dari Bandar Sri Damansara. CC kah? NOPE!! Dari rumah Southern Sons untuk upacara memasak sahur bagi Ramadhan 1428. Hiks! Oh yeah! Also here meks nak ngucapkan kepada semua reader, WELCOME to my first episode for this body for life, a 12 week training episode 1 u'ols!! Hiks!
Duration : 22 August 2007 - 29 August 2007
Height : 172 cm
Weight : 44.4 KG
On the first day itself, meks pergi mendaftar kat Fitness First Menara Maxis, macam takut jugak la. You know all those kind of feeling kan. Boleh ke aku naik berat badan nie? Boleh ke meks achieve all this kind of shit la yang bermain di benak pemikiran meks. Gigih ni pepagi buta, masa tue my offday, so I called Fitness First to learn more about this gm kan, and talked to my membership consultant, Linda and seyesly, as a person who work in a customer service field, meks rasakan yang Linda did a very good job - brief but menyeluruh / padat informationa nd explaination, friendly and die bawak i tour and kenalkan i dengan trainer yang bagus bagus dan cando. LOL!
Neway, petang tue meks terus pergi jumpa Linda untu sembang straight to the point face to face and die bawak la I tour the whole gym. Menarik meks cakap dalam hati. So, meks pun sign up after meks diberitahu about the Merdeka promotion. Kinda cheap la compare to the normal rate kan. And the one thing yang meks like bout this gym is derang ada banyak tempat. Compare to the other one, yang hanya ada 2 cawangan sajork kat KL ni kan. So meks ada la bayak sikit choice of place kalau dah naik buhsan ngan satu tempat inniew.
Neway, on the first day meks sign up tue, meks dah siap-siap bawak suar pendek and baju tee as requested thorugh the phone. So after dah amik picture and amik goody bag, meks terus ke locker room and menukar baju. Meks diperkenalkan dengan meks nye trainer. Occaylah, for the first session (which meks entitled for 2 sessions of 1 hour each), yang first inniew tak termasuk dalam 2 session trainning insentive ittiew, die kata it is only an introduction only. So meks diperkenalkan dengan cardio-trainning (yer ke hah?), ala yang lari lari ititwe la u'ols. Sebagai permulaan meks kene berlari untuk 15 minit and then wat cycling for another 15 min before meks boleh balik kan. Penat sundel!
The next day, meks pergi ke gym lagi untuk my first trainning session ngan my PT. During this hour, die ajar meks alot of things. And also pada the same day meks belajar untuk angkat berat yerk! Astagfirullah Hal Azim!! Seksa nye u'ols! Seriously seksa. Sakit occay! Meks ingat lagi masa inniew meks start ngan angkat 15kg for my chest press pun tak larat yer. Ittiew pun thanks God ada my PT. Die tolong tolakkan bile counting dah sampai ke-8. Bayangkan, satu set ada 15 counting. Ni counting ke-8 first set tak larat dah. Setiap routine kene wt at least 2 set . Sakit tak sakit? Selain dari chest press, meks also buat leg curl, biceps and triceps, shoulder press and back routine.
Seyesly , meks balik rumah, the muscle tear and pain ittiew tiga hari tak hilang yerk. Yerla, tak pernha pernah bersukan or anything tetibe wat latihan gym session kan. Tak ke sakit badan meks nie. During the weekends meks tak pergi gym langsung takut ramai orang cos meks dapat feedback dari yang front counter tue, kalau ramai orang sometime kene tunggu untuk locker kosong despite kat situ ada more than 250 lockers. Kan?! And also meks amik risalah timetable for their classess. Hiks!!
The next training session was on Monday and the mucscle pain masih boleh lagi meks rasa u'ols!
Meks buat apa yang meks wat during the last session which is :
Mungkin, sesiapa yang biasa ke gym akan kata, tue aje yang meks buat? Is that all? Meks rasakan, ocayla. It is a good start dari meks tak try langsung. And please also pertimbangkan berat meks ketika ittiew which is 44.4 kg only uols! My trainer siap timbang 2 kali just to be sure yang meks is 44.4 kg. Hanjeng kan. Die tanya meks, "Why you are so skinny?". Meks cakap kenapa, tak pernha jumpe skinny macam i ke? And he replied, "Yes, it is very uncommon to meet a very skinny man actually." Meks nak aja hempuk kepala die, ko tak pernha tgk budak skate / punk / or skin ke? Sah sah most of them skinny but cute cute belaka kan?! Meks pun apa lagi bile die abiskan sentences die aja, terus la meks flash out kan picture drag meks. And baru die kata, "Acceptable why you are so skinny". LOL!!! And oh before that, I know that this news should be in the next episode but what the heck, I'm the writer kan, berat badan meks dah naik! LOL!! Girang!! - accomplish!
Tu diah! Kini asyik asyik before this Isis Natasha keudara samada dari Gombak or Jalan Semarak, now Isis ke udara dari Bandar Sri Damansara. CC kah? NOPE!! Dari rumah Southern Sons untuk upacara memasak sahur bagi Ramadhan 1428. Hiks! Oh yeah! Also here meks nak ngucapkan kepada semua reader, WELCOME to my first episode for this body for life, a 12 week training episode 1 u'ols!! Hiks!
Duration : 22 August 2007 - 29 August 2007
Height : 172 cm
Weight : 44.4 KG
On the first day itself, meks pergi mendaftar kat Fitness First Menara Maxis, macam takut jugak la. You know all those kind of feeling kan. Boleh ke aku naik berat badan nie? Boleh ke meks achieve all this kind of shit la yang bermain di benak pemikiran meks. Gigih ni pepagi buta, masa tue my offday, so I called Fitness First to learn more about this gm kan, and talked to my membership consultant, Linda and seyesly, as a person who work in a customer service field, meks rasakan yang Linda did a very good job - brief but menyeluruh / padat informationa nd explaination, friendly and die bawak i tour and kenalkan i dengan trainer yang bagus bagus dan cando. LOL!
Neway, petang tue meks terus pergi jumpa Linda untu sembang straight to the point face to face and die bawak la I tour the whole gym. Menarik meks cakap dalam hati. So, meks pun sign up after meks diberitahu about the Merdeka promotion. Kinda cheap la compare to the normal rate kan. And the one thing yang meks like bout this gym is derang ada banyak tempat. Compare to the other one, yang hanya ada 2 cawangan sajork kat KL ni kan. So meks ada la bayak sikit choice of place kalau dah naik buhsan ngan satu tempat inniew.
Neway, on the first day meks sign up tue, meks dah siap-siap bawak suar pendek and baju tee as requested thorugh the phone. So after dah amik picture and amik goody bag, meks terus ke locker room and menukar baju. Meks diperkenalkan dengan meks nye trainer. Occaylah, for the first session (which meks entitled for 2 sessions of 1 hour each), yang first inniew tak termasuk dalam 2 session trainning insentive ittiew, die kata it is only an introduction only. So meks diperkenalkan dengan cardio-trainning (yer ke hah?), ala yang lari lari ititwe la u'ols. Sebagai permulaan meks kene berlari untuk 15 minit and then wat cycling for another 15 min before meks boleh balik kan. Penat sundel!
The next day, meks pergi ke gym lagi untuk my first trainning session ngan my PT. During this hour, die ajar meks alot of things. And also pada the same day meks belajar untuk angkat berat yerk! Astagfirullah Hal Azim!! Seksa nye u'ols! Seriously seksa. Sakit occay! Meks ingat lagi masa inniew meks start ngan angkat 15kg for my chest press pun tak larat yer. Ittiew pun thanks God ada my PT. Die tolong tolakkan bile counting dah sampai ke-8. Bayangkan, satu set ada 15 counting. Ni counting ke-8 first set tak larat dah. Setiap routine kene wt at least 2 set . Sakit tak sakit? Selain dari chest press, meks also buat leg curl, biceps and triceps, shoulder press and back routine.
Seyesly , meks balik rumah, the muscle tear and pain ittiew tiga hari tak hilang yerk. Yerla, tak pernha pernah bersukan or anything tetibe wat latihan gym session kan. Tak ke sakit badan meks nie. During the weekends meks tak pergi gym langsung takut ramai orang cos meks dapat feedback dari yang front counter tue, kalau ramai orang sometime kene tunggu untuk locker kosong despite kat situ ada more than 250 lockers. Kan?! And also meks amik risalah timetable for their classess. Hiks!!
The next training session was on Monday and the mucscle pain masih boleh lagi meks rasa u'ols!
Meks buat apa yang meks wat during the last session which is :
- warm up : 6 mins
- biceps : 3 sets of 15 counting (meks start this week with only 7.5kg)
- triceps : 3 sets of 15 counting (start with a 10 kg)
- shoulder press : 3 sets of 15 countring (10 kg)
- back routine : 3 sets of 15 counting (20 kg)
- chest press : 2 sets of 15 counting (15 kg)
- leg curl : 2 sets of 15 counting (20 kg)
- stomach : 3 sets of 15 counting
Mungkin, sesiapa yang biasa ke gym akan kata, tue aje yang meks buat? Is that all? Meks rasakan, ocayla. It is a good start dari meks tak try langsung. And please also pertimbangkan berat meks ketika ittiew which is 44.4 kg only uols! My trainer siap timbang 2 kali just to be sure yang meks is 44.4 kg. Hanjeng kan. Die tanya meks, "Why you are so skinny?". Meks cakap kenapa, tak pernha jumpe skinny macam i ke? And he replied, "Yes, it is very uncommon to meet a very skinny man actually." Meks nak aja hempuk kepala die, ko tak pernha tgk budak skate / punk / or skin ke? Sah sah most of them skinny but cute cute belaka kan?! Meks pun apa lagi bile die abiskan sentences die aja, terus la meks flash out kan picture drag meks. And baru die kata, "Acceptable why you are so skinny". LOL!!! And oh before that, I know that this news should be in the next episode but what the heck, I'm the writer kan, berat badan meks dah naik! LOL!! Girang!! - accomplish!
Labels: Body For Life

posted by Isis Natasha @ 00:25