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Give Me Your Hands, Let Me Guide You Along This Wonderful Journey Towards Serenity With Moi, Isis Natasha


Once I lived in a castle made by italian marble, with thousands of maid to pamper me for every my needs, surrounded by enchanted forest with picturesque gardens and great lakes, under the protection of the great white clouds, decorated with flocks of virgin white pigeons. But those were the days and today I've changed. And this blog is a proof. And these entries are all about me : My Past, The Present and My Future.

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Wednesday, December 31
Salam Sayang Semunya!!

Hiks! Ghitoo lah. Ketika Isis didalam mood rajin mengarang, almost everyday die karangkan. Cube kalo mood malas datang menjelma, sebulan sekali pun belum tentu lagi. Hehehehe. Tul tak? Well it happens to everyone la u'ols! (ye kew erk .. yer la kot. Hehehehe) Well, lets start with today's entry.

To my blog-readers, if you guys still remember la kan, somewhere in April 2008, meks menulis satu entry mengenai my decision to turn blonde. Remember? No? Aiyoooo! Korang ni always lah, mencik seyh!~ For those can't remember anything 'bout it, kindly click here. Occay, now remember? Well, on 20th April 2008, meks wat decision to be one of the blondie and have a bimbo personality. Hahahahaha. Well, muchas gracias to my hair stylist, the one and only Derek (wink - of cos la kan. He had been my hairstylist since im 19 years old. And die sorang jew yg potong ke kaler ke apa ke my hair. Now meks already 22. So it is already 3 years now. Kalau la ditakdirkan tetibe Derek hilang, Isis leyh menjadi gila. Hahaha).

And meks sure ramai gayboys di Kuala Lumpur yang tahu di manakah lokasi Derek kerna meks percaya ramai yang gi wat rambut ngan die kan. Kaya cina nie u'ols. Keje ptoong cantas rmbut orang sajork. Hiks! What ever it is, Derek nie jugew adalah stylist rambut untuk meks, Wana, Viviana (once upon a time until .. hahahaha), BibiNoa (also once upon a tim, hahahaha) and others my fren lah. So lets see the picture ketika meks baru sajork kaler my hair blonde,

Hahahah. Muke tak leyh nak blah. Masa nie rambut still pendek u'ols. And meks only follow tips hair care oleh Derek. Untuk elakkan my hair nampak too kering and rosak, both of us agreed not to bleach rambut meks. But nanti kaler die tak la naek sangat betul tak? But since my hair ketika ittiew masih lagi pendek, so Derek mencadangkan, why not wat ala ala kalar belnd layered? At first meks was, motif and apakah ittiew? Derek mahu meks kelihatan seperti binarts kah? Hiks!

And then selepas beberapa kali penerangan dan juga lukisan grafik untuk menerangkan pada meks yang a lil bit blurry at that time, at last rupanya meks paham la jugak. Well, kalau kite kaler rambut kitew, for sure from time to time kite akan datang balik untuk touch-up betul? So first appointment, Derek will kaler the whole head blonde. And then, after a month, bile meks datang semula untuk touch up, he wil kaler balik the whole head in blonde. So, kat akar die akan jadi a lil bit dark bron-blonde and the rest yang bawah tue akan jadi a ligther blonde la. And bende nie dibuat berulang kali, setiap bulan, setiap ali meks datang jumpa Derek until 7 months, which is last month's visit. This month visit baru meks puas hati kaler yang meks dapat and Derek only touch akar die yang kaler hitam ittiew sajork. Hasilnya,

Ta-Da!!!!!! And indeed meks love the vcolour-flow. La la la.

p/s - Next : New Years and "Congratulations Note!"

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Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 07:53  0 Comments

Intoruding : Imbasan 2008
Tuesday, December 30
Salam Sayang Semuanya!
Waduh, sudah lama bangat meks addinh-hui update my blog kan? Uhuk Uhuk Uhuk. Bersawang u'ols. (*hiks!*) Neway, nak wat macam mana. Secara jujurnya, meks mengatakan meks a lil bit busy with work and my social activities ssampai abondon my blog's readers. Sorry, my bad! So meks akan sedaya upaya mencari masam untuk update my blog from time to time. Hopefully selalu as I used to. (*cross-fingers!*). Today sudah bertarikh 30th December 2008. Another less than 48hours, we will start our new journey in a new era. A period of time where we called 2009. Ghittto!~ Over sekali introduction tue. Hiks!

Alot of things happen in 2008. Sweet ones and also the bad ones - well, we cannot run from the fact we live in this world basically based on Yin and Yang concept. There always be good ones and bad ones all year round. Meks tingin nak wat entry : Imbasan 2008. Macam menarik sajork. And hopefully meks have time to go through and find some pictures to being uploaded together with the entry later la. Hiks! Now, meks ada la afew events yg meks tingin sangat nak berkongsi - my love life, my family life and etc. Saddness, sorrow and happiness - all year round will be shared with you readers. Stay tuned for more. *wink*


Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 18:56  0 Comments

A Note to "You Know Who"
Friday, December 5
I'm confuse :

- either you are blind
- either you just want to humiliate me
- either you just me as you're entertainment item
- either you just always went off with anyone that provide you with entertainment on the dot

If you choose to have an affair with :

- a girl
- much more attractive person

I would never "GIVE A DAMN SHIT"but however, why on earth it is that unfinished - unattractive or I would comment as a most dysfunctional face-features on earth? WHY?

p/s : if you been reading this message, and want to explain, I'm at my mother's house.

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Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 14:51  0 Comments

What I Really Want For Xmas - WADROBE!
Tuesday, December 2
Salam Sayang Semuanya!!

Hiks! Well, sehat ka semuanya? Well, Actually msa bangun tidow jew tadik, sudenly mas tengah meks mamai-mamai tengok kiri and kanan, meks ternampak my wardrobe - terus meks macam dapat ilham nak tuleh about apa today. *wink + girang*

As far as all of you know, that today sudah pun tarikhnya 2nd December kan? So another lagi 23 more days to go for Xmas. Yeah! Well, meks addinch celebrate pung but bilew Xmas is around the corner, birthday meks pun sudah nak dekat! Tak sabar nieh! Well, actually meks pun tak tahu nak mintak apa kat my parent for this year birthday present. At first meks rasa nak mintak cash sajork sebagai tambahan perbelanjaan shopping kat Bandung nanti. But lepas this morning, meks rasa meks akan redeem cash from my dad and mintak a new stuff from mummy la kot. Apew yerk? It is a new wardrobe!

Well, yeah betul meks baru jew beli wardrobe ni tak sampai 6 months and it is still standing dan masih lagi tak patah! And meks also perasan tak der tanda-tanda nak patah ke apa kew kan. But kaedahnye my current wardorbe dah tak leh nak muat all my clothes uols! Tak caya, tgk la pic bawah nie.

Kan? I told ya. Sampai my evening dresses kene letak dalam plastic and hang sajork kat pintu. Ni tak masuk lagi my bags and half of my belts collection lagik. How? So, lepas nie my new aim - ngorat my mum pujuk rayu n bodek seikhlas hti untuk mendapatkan wardrobe terbaru uols! Adalah jugak browse through the net nak tengok jenis-jenis or pattern design wardrobe yang kini hangat di pasaran - but macam tak minat jew uols.

Isis tingin sekali nak ada walk-in closet like macma dalam picture nie. Grand kan. But nak wat kat mana? Hehehehe. Takkan nak halau Mak Bee and use his room as my walk-in closet? Hahahaha kidding (matilah - balek balek aku yg kene halau dulu dari rumah tue hahahaha).

But entah la, macma susah jew kalau ada walk-in closet nie. Dah la besar and makan banyak ruang so susah la sikit. Dah la my house tu kecik jew kan?! So I think I would prefer just a vintage white wardrobe macam kat bawah nie. Simple and yet very nice. I lyke!~

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Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 15:11  1 Comments

Salam Sayang Uols!!

Waduh sudah lama sekali meks addinch update sebarang entry kan dalam blog nie. Uhuk Uhuk Uhuk! batuk uols! Saag biasa la. Kenapa? Uols ingat uhuk3x tue meks nak muntah pregnant kew? LOL!!

Neway this time around, meks akan menulis mengenai pengalaman meks sekali lagi membuat ONAR di kawasan pendalam. Kepada my readers, uols ingat tak mengenai pengalaman meks ke Jerantut Pahang untuk gi kenduri kawin officemate meks? Addinch ingat, click here to recap! (wah recap katanya!!). This time around, meks membuat ONAR di TEMERLOH Pahang. But meks rasa meks adidnch wat ONAR but instead it is more like a roadtrip! Hahahaha.

Yang the best part is, meks baru je terjumpa balik all of these group of peeps. My frined since Primary School uols!!! Hiks! Ala waktu meks maen wrestling, tgh WWF semua (so dreaming la). Masa tue pun meks dah maen masak-masak and also ikat ikat reben wat keychain tau. Grand!! So yang kawen nie nama die Amy. And the truth is, meks baru terjumpe die balek 2 weeks before her wedding. Best la jumpe balek kawan kawan lama semua. Semua ittiew menyebabkan meks rasa macam berbaloi untuk membuat ONAR di kawasan pendalam once again uols!!!

The bride and the bridegroom

Wedding tue ari Sabtu tau. So macam biasa, kalau Sabtu, Jumaat malam kite wat apew? CLUBBING la kan? Tul tak? Salah uols. Bukan Clubbing tetapi Qiam. (pingsan) So sekali bilew dok bincang punya bincang dengan kawan se-mengumpul barangan Garfield I ketika kat sekolah dulu, Teekay (yess uols! Kiteorg satu kelas occay But meks rasa kat sekolah die lagi lembut dari meks, but tup tup tup bile dah besar, meks je yang dragui - how?!), Teekay cakap meks ngan die akan tumpang another fren, Ayuni yang akan gerak dari Rawang ke Sentul. So meks expect since Ayuni (celebrity masa sekolah dulu - cos die berlakon iklan susu tin) driving from Rawang, dalam kul 10 macam tue la kan. Sekali, bilew diberitahu meks hanya mampu terlopong uols! Kul 8.15 mesti ada di Sentul!! KO GILE?! But since Teekay pun kata occay sajork, so meks pun occayk kan lah jugak.

Hakikatnya, kunci jam nak bangun kul 6 pagi cos nak bersiap, meks terjaga lepas bunyi deringan alarm yang keberapa pun tak tau, kul 7.45 pagi! Hahahahahaa!!! But still meks take my luxurious time, have my buble bath, make up elok2, ikat kain batik like lambat nye masa berlalu.

Meks pun kuar umah - masa tengah kunci rumah meks mendapat panggilan biadap dari Ayuni, mengatakan she almost near to Sentul. So what is my reply?

"Tunggu sat nah. I'm almost there. Meks dah sampai akt masjid Bandar Baru Sentul dah nie"

Walhal, tengah naek tangga umah meks nak ke parking kereta di SETIAWANGSA. Hahahahaha. Jangan salahkan meks. tengok la spa mak hayam I, no other than Viviana or Janji Kie! LOL!! (pingsan!)

Potong cake? Nampak sedap kan? But addinch uols.
Meks tak sempat nak rasa. Kaleh mata ke arah laen tgk anak ikan for 5 sec jew,
semua dah berebut amik cake tue.

So meks telah menjadi orang terakhir yang tibe di tempat pertemuan. Hahahahaha. Seperti biasa, meks terus kalih masuk kereta Ayuni and meet Aishah! For the first time in like 12 years - saket pulak ahti tgk make up mata de. Rasa macam nak korek je biji mta perempuan nie. Hahahaha. And yeah die macam a lil bit slim up from the last time I jumpe die. Hahaha. And Sepanjang perjalanan ittiew, uols jgn tanya wat happen - meks MEMBUTA. Sedar-sedar, meks sudah tibe di Temerloh!

As a cam whore my self, it is not wrong to rosakkan gambar org laen - kan? LOL!!!

Neway, masa meks sampai sana, meks rasakan macam motif? Orang Temerloh tak pernah tgk pondan ke uols? Pelik nye. Cos setahu meks kebanyakkan pondan cantik ada jugak datang dari Temerloh. But rupanya meks tahu kenapa, meks dah la pakai kebaya ketat, kain belah tinggi, lace jarang, rambut blonde, tangan pegang rokok. Wakakakakakakaka. ada sorang makcik tudung labuh tue die dok tengok jew meks isap rokok, what to do? It is time to try wat asap bulat bulat kat arah makcik tue. (pingsan!)

from left : Zaidah, Ayuni, Moi and Aishah - this is when Amy naek pelamin uols.
What with the facial experssino masing-masing? Hahahaha

Me and Teekay kebuhsan after a while searching
and scanning - addinch yang cando and handsome.

What is much more better than having good meal kat McD Sempah
after a good nice sleep during the journey, kan Ayuni? (pingsan!)

Most of the guys yang ikut the trip - see ow moi and Aishah mengewdix! *wink*

When girls meet up,w hat we do best others than shopping - GOSSIPING!

Zaidah belanjew Teekay ice cream tue - owunk nak rasa jugak.

So this is the picture I tidow sepanjang perjalanan. Credit To Aishah. Well, how much i despise this pic but nak buang sayang, cos there is alot of good memory that being refresh back during the trip. *wink* Does it turn u off guys? Hahahahahaha. Like I give a damn shit? *wink*

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Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 00:44  1 Comments