What I Really Want For Xmas - WADROBE!
Tuesday, December 2
Salam Sayang Semuanya!!
Hiks! Well, sehat ka semuanya? Well, Actually msa bangun tidow jew tadik, sudenly mas tengah meks mamai-mamai tengok kiri and kanan, meks ternampak my wardrobe - terus meks macam dapat ilham nak tuleh about apa today. *wink + girang*
As far as all of you know, that today sudah pun tarikhnya 2nd December kan? So another lagi 23 more days to go for Xmas. Yeah! Well, meks addinch celebrate pung but bilew Xmas is around the corner, birthday meks pun sudah nak dekat! Tak sabar nieh! Well, actually meks pun tak tahu nak mintak apa kat my parent for this year birthday present. At first meks rasa nak mintak cash sajork sebagai tambahan perbelanjaan shopping kat Bandung nanti. But lepas this morning, meks rasa meks akan redeem cash from my dad and mintak a new stuff from mummy la kot. Apew yerk? It is a new wardrobe!
Well, yeah betul meks baru jew beli wardrobe ni tak sampai 6 months and it is still standing dan masih lagi tak patah! And meks also perasan tak der tanda-tanda nak patah ke apa kew kan. But kaedahnye my current wardorbe dah tak leh nak muat all my clothes uols! Tak caya, tgk la pic bawah nie.

Isis tingin sekali nak ada walk-in closet like macma dalam picture nie. Grand kan. But nak wat kat mana? Hehehehe. Takkan nak halau Mak Bee and use his room as my walk-in closet? Hahahaha kidding (matilah - balek balek aku yg kene halau dulu dari rumah tue hahahaha).

But entah la, macma susah jew kalau ada walk-in closet nie. Dah la besar and makan banyak ruang so susah la sikit. Dah la my house tu kecik jew kan?! So I think I would prefer just a vintage white wardrobe macam kat bawah nie. Simple and yet very nice. I lyke!~

posted by Isis Natasha @ 15:11