4th Week Entry!
Tuesday, August 22
Yeah!! Well, this week our supreme diva organizer (matilah meks kipas habis-habisan kan!!) did something that I can classified as unpredictable by published the ranking of all of the contestants based on the jury's marks (but take note, the marks is not being published , just the ranking duh!). Hiks! And yeah again!!! I'm at the top, no 1, (seriously meks tolak puki sekeping and also jejants yer!!) but kaedahnya tetap la vote meks tidak mencukupi so that I stay on the top of all kan!! But 3rd placing ok la tue! hiks!
And this week, that's it!!! Topic die, (sat nah! meks paste!!)
"BI2006 - Week 4 Assignment :Ibubapa penentu kerjaya dan masa depan anak² - Perlukah amalan dahulu kala ini diteruskan? Atau, peluang harus diberikan kepada anak² untuk membuat keputusan memilih kerjaya serta mencorakkan masa depannya sendiri?"
(Lady LeaLaurielle, adakah anda tidak mampu untuk mengarang soalan yang lebih panjang? hiks!!) HAMIK KO!!! Adakah ini soalan ataupung jawapan itself? Hiks! Now, here is my answer for this question nah!! (matilah another PhD entry katanya!!)
1.0 : Definition
What is the real meaning of the word parent? According to Webster, a parent is: "A father or a mother; he or she that produces young". If we use Webster's definition, anyone can be a parent, and be a good one, just by bringing forth offspring. But there is far more to parenting than that. Personally I believed, first, it consists of unconditional love, another term that Webster was unable to define accurately: it is the most important element of parenting, and yet, has no concrete meaning. Second, it consists of becoming quite selfless. A baby takes priority in your life, the feedings, changes, rocking, singing, playing, nurturing, teaching.
From the wording in the question and also the notes wrote by our organizer in the official blog for this competition, obviously the main issue that should be discuss in this particular motion is that "What make a parent have the right to control the life of their children" in order to understand the nature and also to deepen our knowledge about the root of the question. And infact, it is crucial for us whether the parent themselves have the right to control, to breach the privacy and the fundamental liberties of their children at the first place.
Regarding this particular level of issue, I believed that parent do have the right to control their children in certain cases, expecially those involving immoral activites or better known as the 'parental responsibilities' in the western countries. The pharse 'parental responsibility' had been defined differently in different contexts, but however, it usually being refer to legal mandate given to anyone biologically connected to a child hold permanent responsibility for, or has a voice in, decision about the welfare of the child. I repeat the most important word or phrase in this part of introduction, "Permanent Responsibility or Has a Voice". (let cut everything short, let me just tell all of your readers especially the juries the reason with a brief explanation based on levels). But before hand, let me state the status-quo of this issue in the western countries, right now, this particular moment, Britain, part of American states, Canada provinces, as well as Australia had enacted legislation related to parental responsibility, while the Euro Union already drafted and developed statements and model laws relating to the children's human right throughout the Union. And I, Isis Natasha could not agree more with this act due to levels.
In May 2005, the case of Ayotte V. Planned Parenthood had rose an educational debate on parent consent regarding child abortion, "Does the parents have the right to participate in major medical and moral decision affecting their children?". Due to this phonomenon, the USATODAY, CNN and Gallup held a poll reagrding this isue and at the end of the first week, 69% of the citizens favored requiring minors to get parental consent. The poll rountinely show that 75% - 80% favor parental notice. This result had been a proof to us that the majority of the society believes that parent hold a permanent responsibility or at least a voice in decision about the welfare of the children.
Many would argue that if the parent hold permanent responsibilty or has a voice in the decision about the welfare of their children, then this would breach the human right of the children on top of the privacy of their love ones. But however, we have to understand the nature of the law itself. Every single rights and law enacted by an independent legistaltion body in all government in the world are due to certain limitations.In fact we can see, in Malaysia Federal Constituion where it uphold the fundamental liberties of every single Malaysian in the Article 5 to Article 13, it is due to certain limitation. We can see the Malaysia Federal Constitution provides for freedom of religion as stated in Article 11; however, the Government places some restrictions on this right. Islam is the official religion; however, the practice of Islamic beliefs other than Sunni Islam is restricted significantly. At the end of the day, we would be questioning ourselves, if an important right such as a fundamental liberty of a citizen are due to be restricted by limitations, do we have to say more for privacy of a children?
A normal parent believes that the welfare of your children is the most important thing, and even greater than your own life. And infact, believe it or not, parent in the rural areas would rather starve for days just to make sure the children eat and be healthy. Parent would working continuously, without holiday or restday just to make sure their children have enough money to go to school and further studies. And in fact, a NORMAL parent with a sane working brain would rather be dead, replace their dead children during the tsunami 2006. This few situations are proof that a NORMAL parent, (put aside those problematic parents - drug addicts, alcoholic, abussive parents, father who believes in domestic violents, incest rapist, to name a few) would definitely treat their children as 'menatang minyak yang penuh'. And the maojority of the society believed that this unconditional love is the root of the success, health well being of a children in the future, which would be explain on the fourth level of the reason why parent hold permanent responsibility or at least has a voice in decision regarding welfare of the children. Despite being the major factor to the social perception and believes that the parent hold such right, does it give the parent to have a right to be permanent attached and hold permanent responsibility under the eye of law?
Under the eyes of law in Malaysia and most of constitution, (written or unwritten constituions) as long as a person who being recognised by the United Nation as a human being and people of the world, is under the age of majority (which are differ based on the country's particular Age of Majority Act), he or she is considered as a minor, not as an adult. The phrase "Age of Majority" is defined as the age at which one acquires the full legal rights of an adult. This commonly includes things such as the right to vote and the ability to enter into binding contracts. The age is normally fixed by law, though in some cases a minor may reach majority through an emancipation procedure ( but that would be a different story!). Aa a minor, when he or she is not legal to enter a contract (as the contract would be turn out as a void contract), he or she is not entitled to have a license, drink alcoholic, buy a cigarette, watching porns, vote and the list would go on and on. And if a minor or aperson who is under the age of majority (for Malaysia it is 21 years old, same goes to Argentine, Singapore and some states of the States) who being sued legally (except for crime - we have juevenille court tho~), the particular minor would be sued through the next kin, usually the parent of the guardian. This would also proof to us that parent do have the right of permanent responsibility to the children.
For this part of the entry I would express my views and personal opinion s based on the research done by me regarding the roots of the issue (2.0 till 2.4). As a reasonable person, I would rather wrote on both side, even tho I am extremely agreed that parent do hold a voice in decision. This act of mine is really crucial since to let the readers understand the nature and also to let the world to knew the issue from both side before making any judgement. Since judgement made with the knowledge from both side is better than being a stupid bull, "ikut sahaja apa yang dikatakan oleh orang ramai tanpa sebarang usul periksa". Take note of the wording used, "Hold a voice in decision" rather than "permanent responsibility". Well, personally i believed that the phrase "permanent responsibility" is kinda harsh towards the children and also towards the parents. For me the phrase "to have a voice in decision" would give a win - win situation to both parties. We can define that the parent have the right to give advise to children and the children themselve have the right to accept the advise totally, or adjust the advise to suit their life or even totally reject the advise at the first place. What is the reason behind this belief of mine?
As we can see that most of the parent and children do not share the same time frame and time period. And time is something that is totally unpredictable and it change drastically. To proof it, let go back to the late 19th century. During those days, women who stay out after maghrib prayers are considered as whore and unacceptable by the norm of malays society. Same goes to women who believe in they can hold a higher post in the sociarty political hierachy, side by side with men. and then, in 1928, only about 30+ years apart, Tan Sri Kontek Kamariah emerged as the first Malay women to pass Senior Cambrigde Examination and the list of the first ladies in Malaysia history keep adding and we can see todat, after 100 years, women sit side by side with the men in the cabinet, term of ladyboss exist, some husband afraid of their wives.
This historical data had proof to us that time period of certain generation can be extremely different. It is hard to find a parent who share the same period of time with her of his children. Our parent whould be idolising Grace Kelly's act on the screen while we idolising Pussycat Dolls sexy dance move and our children would said all of this is crap. Do we wear the 1960's fashion to the extreme as what they are exactly wearing in those days? Do we actually wear those tight cut pants with a capital T shape fly? NO! We do't! But instead we intepret those fashion sens to suit our modern fashionista' philosphy. We can see tody, teenagers wear retro motives print shirt with a modern cut pants - and this obviously would be acceptable than being a fashion victim as in you are actually trapped in time.
Try to understand what I'm trying to say and relate it to the my personal opinion, "to have a voice in decision" - the children themselve have the right to accept the advise totally, or adjust the advise to suit their life or even totally reject the advise at the first place. The same priciple had being applied to the fashion thinggy situation. hiks!
3.2 : Personal Identity
If parent have a permanent responsibility in decision realting the welfare of the children i.e kerjaya dan masa depan, then obviously the parent would guide the children from the begining to take a path as they do. We can see there are thousands of parent who works as a doctor want their children to be a doctor. And believes me, it is not only happen in our society. It also happen to the so called modern democratic society who uphold the freedom of speech and fight for human rights of children i.e the Americans. Most of the fathers who are in sorority bortherhood, would guide their sons to entered the same brotherhood and lead almost the same life as they did. Logically, does this would create a clon based society instead of various personal identity that obviously coloured the society? And as a normal person and a person who believes in happiness, do we want to be around of clons and surrender the chance to know other kind of personality? Yes even though that we can learn other personality from the society i.e members of other family, but would it be better to understand the various personality in our family first? But how can it be a reality if most of the children id being guided to do the same path as their parent had been doing? Such nightmare! And in fact, would it be better if as a parent of 6 wonderful succesful children to have an accountant, lawyer, doctor, lecturer and other professional in line?
Another reason why parent would only entitled to have a voice in decision is to prevent Smother Love to spread even worst in our society. According to Joanne Wane, free lance writer in her article publised in Sunday Star, Smother Love is define as coddled-kid syndrome, parental neurosis. Even though today’s children have the universe at their fingertips thanks to the Internet, their physical boundaries are shrinking at a rapid pace. According to British social scientist Mayer Hillman, a child’s play zone has contracted so radically that we’re producing the human equivalent of henhouse chickens—plump from lack of exercise and without the resilience and initiative of free-range kids of the past. The zeitgeist of our times is no longer the resourceful adventurer Tom Sawyer but rather the angst-ridden dad and his stifled only child in Finding Nemo. In short, child rearing has become an exercise in risk minimization, epitomized by stories such as the father who refused to allow his daughter on a school picnic to the beach for fear she might drown. While it’s natural for a parent to want to protect their children from danger, you have to wonder: Have we gone too far? Well obviously it is depends. It is acceptable by a natural mind if the smother love is being practiced by a parent to a 10 month old baby, but to a 20 year old girl on her decision to which university she would like to enter or which field of study she want to be in? OBVIOUSLY NOPE! As i repeat, advise from parents really helps, but direct instruction is totally a dictatorship! Through history, we already laernt that dictorship only result riots, 'rampasan kuasa uols!' and other type of actions that would leve to grive and sadness. In family term, whihc would be a smaller unit than a dictatorship country, would it create a rebelious children and at the end of the day, not only the parents will not be witness to their dream as they had been planned for the children since the first moment they knew the mother is pregnant, they also jeopardize the children and all of the dream would perished just like that.
As a citizen of the world, as a person who believes in democracy, as a person who uphold the fundamental liberties of a Malaysian, i believes that parent have a right to voice out their concern and give advice to their chirldren regarding their welfare i.e kerjaya dan masa depan. But at the end of the day, it is in the hand of the children to create their own path. It is better for the parent as well. A parent would be in their most exciting momento or I would say, they would on top of their own mountain when their babies can finally walk on their own feet during the papmpers-era and certainly they would be in the same mode of feeling when they witness their grown up children to enjoy and being on the top of their children mountain, which they hike using their own path with any help. Last but not least, let me quote a script from the movie "More Than Meet An Eye", a person who walk in the darknes, he or she have to light up the light by themselves.
This entry is specialy dedicated to my parent whp always let me to create my pwn path in life. Daddy and Mummy, I love you so much.
Labels: Bloggers Idol
Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 01:38
Jury's Remark!
Friday, August 18
Well, today meks masuk ofis meks teroooos immediately check Bloggers Idol's official webbie! (for all my readers yang belum vote me, vote nah! Even tho meks tidak ado sebarang free gift e.g MP3 ka apa ka, but vite through your heart, baca all entry y al contestant and pick the one you feel entitle for your one supreme and precious vote nah!) And as meks yakin, jury remarks sudah kuar uols! Meks pung ala ala dosi lupa sapakah ittiew jury jemputan, so meks pung ala ala godam webbie ittiew, and Nizam Zakaria was the jury jemputan lah! Here is the rest of the komentar about my entry hiks! (for those yang belum membacanya, uols leh la baca komentar jury duloo and then gi baca nah! click sajork kat the word entry yg berkaler biroo ittiew!)
Volks says…
efford efford efford that's what i wanted to see in all contestant and i got it from you....
Belle says…
*copy..paste…edit..save..print*…..matilah mek nak hantar wat tesis master mek….muhhehhe….u ols membalas "dendam" last week yg demam & dinch mampu menghasilkan entry yg VASTT!! Ker u ols?.....tapiiiiii…….yg penting….mek nak cakap nie…"NAH RASAIIII….ENTRY OF THE WEEK!!!"….congrats u ols.
Nizam Zakaria says…
Bersifat ilmiah, tetapi senang dibaca. Macam baca report student-student univ lah pulek.his is the spirit that i want to look for, even when you are down or not well or in the well, the show must go on...
That's it! hiks! Meks sukew! Meks girang! hiks! but one thing meks sentap ngan jury jemputan remarks (Nizam Zakaria's one) .. let me copy nah! "his is the ...". Anda sudah nampak ittiew sentapan? or uols masih tidak nampak? Let me highlight nah! "his is the ..." Anda nampak kaler merah ittiew? (Matilah meks feeling feeling berpuk-puk! hiks!! )
And another thing that is so out of topic, motif jury Miss Malaysia ada supporter 10 orang satu table, meja no 19? Supporters turun tgk baju kebaya baru kah?!**lari!!!!!!!!
Labels: Bloggers Idol
Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 13:46
Welll folks, this entry would be the marking point of my first crystal anniversay (wait nah! crystal ann = ann ke 15. so obviously it would the first and the last crystal! hiks!!). So that's it peeps, with this crystal ann. I hope it would be a proof that I'm here for a serious thinggy! A blog to be remembered, a blog to be viewwed, a blog to be read (matilah nak tulis readed kan!!)!!Labels: Blogging
Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 13:36
Astagfirullah hal azim!
Tuesday, August 15
Well peeps, that is!! Penangan demam panas katanya! Begitulah yer, walalupung gigih! Walaupung dilanda demam panas yang teramatlah panas, dan walaupung I menaip entry assignmetn minggu kedua dengan tangan yang mengigil-gigil!Here is the result of the 2nd week assignment for Bloggers Idol.

Melerts kan! Notice that meks tidak tersenarai kan? Adakah Meks tercampak keluar? NEHI!!!!! I was in the bottom 2 (despite the fact mmg bottom forver pung, but then terima kasih kepada sesiapa yang meragui kebottoman I - only ig you guys understand kenapa depa dok meragui! hiks!) and depsite demam panas ittiew!

And the topic assignment for this 3rd week is all about : tada!!!!
"BI2006 - Week 3 Assignment :
Can a man love two women at the same time?
And vice versa;
Can a women love two man at same time?"
That it! One of my fave topic during the debate tournament!! Polygamy, (but personally meks lagi suke 2nd part of the question, polyandry uols!). Actually, at this moment, as in Tuesday 14.45, meks dosi siap udah ittiew assignment, but now, tgh belek belek godang the net nak cari info tambahan katanya! MERASA!
lovely yours, Natasha - Vote me nanti ari Thursday noon till Sunday noon, here!. Labels: Bloggers Idol
Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 13:42
3rd Week Assigment!
Monday, August 14
Fuh! I serious thought i would the one who been voted out from the Academy, due to the so-loser-entry made by me under the hot fever health situation. I was at the bottom two and not at the last place! ALMOST!!!!
And seriously, Now, I'm not going to let my health problems, situation or wat so ever obstacles to let me down in this game. But there is an act done by one of the contestant that really made me mad - Money Political method in general election is strictly prohibited and illegal and I hope the same principle being applied to this game contestant! (organizer take note nah!)
This week, all of the contestant will be writting on the topic about :
"Can a man love two women
at the same time?And vice versa;
Can a women love two man at same time?"
Obviously the topic is regarding lovelife; what is better choice, being polygamy or monogamy? Between being loyal to one or loyal to a dozen? Between being devited for lone and eternity to a woman or to a woman, and a woman, and a woman? Something that had become a taboo topic to certain society including our Malay community. There is alot of way to interpret this week's open general assignment topic. And I already made my decision to talk about a long-term topic, monogamy or polygamy marriage. Lets me start with a brief introduction regarding the topic before I started to talked on the pros and cons of this topic.

Personally, I believe that polygamy is the state of having two or mates at the same time, including both Polygyny (the union of one man with more than one women - 'more females') and Polyandry (the union of one women with more than one man - 'many males'). In most of the religion in this mother globe, polygyny is obviously accepted by nature of faith. As an example, we have in Christianity, stated in Genesis, when Lamech's marriage to Adah and Zillah, to Joseph's four wives (Gen 29-30). On the other hand, Judaism stated that Solomon is said to had 700 wives. In Islam, Holy Koran tell us one of the after Uhud Battle effects is many widows are left and merried to already married men. However, today we can see that the concept of polygamy, which had been a taboo topic in churches during the Midle Age had been ban by some religion in the world and it is rare in Islam. In most countries, in all western ones and some Islamic ones, polygamy is illegal, although some Muslim states (e.g Saudi Arabia) do allow it apart of the principle od blind-eye policy ( polygamy cases which the authorities didn't care much about). Apart from these Islamic examples, polygamy does continue in some African socities but is more generally - although incorrectly - seen as a practice of Mormons. We can see in 1840's, Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church, approved the practice of polygamy. In political views, Statehood of Utah only came into the United State of America in 1896 when its leaders finally agreed to abolish polygamy in return of it. Personaly I believed that A Man Should Be Devoted His Whole Heart and Soul to One Women at One Time Regardles of Everything i.e A MAN CANNOT LOVE TWO WOMEN AT THE SAME TIME AND VICE VERSA! but however, under certain circumstances , emergency and under the authorization of independent and thrustful body, polygamy should be allowed.
My believes and principt is not made without and jugdment from both views but instead it is carefully made after an overview in both perspective. This is how i look at the topis of polygamy (polyandry and polygyny).
First View and Perspective - harm our children!

I strongly believes that polygamy had breacf and effect our 'right' at certain point. the concept of polygamy itself had undermines the institution of marriageand trivalising the union of two adult who were under an mutual aggreement legal under the eye of law. Just imagine the competition to be married to the most partners, to live in largest family! obviously this situation will send all the wrong messages to the society as we, a society members who believe in the power or good morality try our best to repair the damage done by liberal attitudes, and reinstitute the stable family as the ideal place to live and vring up our yound for the continuetation of our species (matilah meks tulis tanpa amik pedulik about the 3rd gender - laki mati layu kaum adam kan!!). One of the bad results of polygamy is it would harm our children, who - even if they knew they parentage - are presented with confusing signals about role models and family life. Even though that we could not forget and let go the freedom of choice of marriage to the Man (which is considered as one of the good strong point of polygamy), we also cannot forget that this princoiple also trigger a potential trauma of divorce proceedings in which on individuals (and also their children) seeks to extract themselves from a home of five others (and those children - including half brothers and sisters, produced there). By then, the legal system will see ridiculous complex claim - which already being a factor already, but in the terms of degree, polygamy makes the situation far worse. There will also be a reduction of real freedom:

- What if another partner(s) do not want another individual or specific individiual to be added in the family?
- What is the procedure - does the man automatically get his way?
Second View and Perspective - family hierachy system!

Not only polygamy would effect the real freedom of modern day women, but it will also effect the whole traditional family hierachy system. Along with the concept of polygamy, we can see the family members will be added not only the children but the wives themselves. By then, we can see the hierachy sysytem of a family will emerged, with a 'head wife' (regardless of seniority) dominating her rivals (this situation may also apply in the case of polyandry). This particular situation had become the root of religious polygamy, been seen in Siti Sarah's jealousy and domination that sent Prohphet Ibrahim's second wife, Siti Hajar and her son, Prohphet Ismail to the midle of desert as stated in Holy Koran. Why on earth, should I, Isis Natasha as a normal human being, encourage and institutinalise the very thing that leads the break up the majority of family units - namely jealousy and sexual encounters with others? We believe that the family is the building block of society and these undermines the clarity of the grouping. It is true that jealousy exist outside marriages and in monogamous marriages - but why set up a situation in which it is guaranteed?
Thrid View and Perspective - adultery!
Some of the public who are pro-polygamy marriages would said and argue that polygamy marriages will help to curb the effect after adultery. But personally, Isis Natasha believe it does not give 1% impact at all to curb this major problem in our society, in fact in al society in the world. To me, adultery is based on desire for the 'other', for something outside the known, outside the home. Polygamy does nothing to combat this as adultery still occurs in polygamy societies. Indeed the polygamy encourages adultery as it dilutes the idea of fidelity from being loyalty to one person, subsitituting the legitamacy of intercourse with many. In fact, if adultery is done by a open-minded free man, does he have to married to all women or man he already slept with?
Fourth View and Perspective - incest!

Right now when monogamy policy had been applied by most Malaysia, we still being effected and beeing invaded by the problem of incest; brothers with brothers, brothers with sisters, sisters with sisters, and their parents with their childrne and many other level of the family hierachy. This is the situation in today monogamy societies. Just imagine what would happen in a polygamy socities? Increasing the numberof marriage mixes - four husbands, seven wives etc. - greatly enhance the chances of inadvertent incest, especially in relatively remote, inward-looking villages and small towns where generations of people live in the same area and are unlikely to move - i.e. exactly the kind of places most like to take up polygamy if allowed to.
Fifth View and Perspective - Wealth of offences!
Freedom of modern day women would obviously being destroy under the policy of polygamy. Earlier on, I already briefly discuss that being the mother's shoe, and now being in the daugther's shoe. Once allowed and once passed of polygamy, in long term perspective, polygamy will facilitate the practice of forced marriages. This will also creates marital double jeopardy forced marriages to other member of the society or to other member of the family itself, keeping the children within the closed community structure polygamy so often creates. Indeed, from history and previous writting and research, we can see where polyamy is found, a wealth of other offences will follow. Child abuse, incest, welfare fraud, rape - all staples of the polygamous communities in the USA, along with the broader eploitation of women.
Sixth View and Perspective - Syariah Law (Malaysia Context)!
Even though under the Syariah Law (in Malaysia context), polygamy is allowed. However, we have to remember that there are certain conditions that must be made as alid out by the legislature body i.e the Parliment under advise from the Syariah Court itself. The first criterion is that the husband must prove to the court that he is financially capable to marrying a second wife at the same time able to maintain the first wife. The husband must produce his income tax statement and salary slip as the supporting documents. It is compulsary to satisfy this criterion before going to the other citerion. Secondly, the husband must have the ability to treat both family equally and fairly. For instance, in the case of the first wife complains that during the year in which the husband was cavorting with the other women, he rarely returned home, the application will usually being rejected. If both of these criterion had been satisfy, then they will move on to the thrid criterion; whether there is any lawful benefit to the society in the proposed union. If there is, the application is allowed ; for an example, in cases where the first wife is sick and the second wife is apparently able to assist the husband in his business. Under these three rigid regulations and conditions, not only, that polygamy not only would help the familyand society, but also uphold the modern day women right at large especially the wives. Readers, take note that I'm not saying that polygamy is 100% negeative but under a rigid condition and authorization of an independent body, the good side of it will enhance.
Seventh View and Perspective - Pro-Polygamy!
Surah An-Nisaa 3
فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَى وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ
…marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four;
Despite all the criterion as mention and briefly discuss by me above, we have to considered all other mean s of criterion laid by the Holy Koran. Well, we have in the Ayah 4:3, "... marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four", though the wording and the backgrounf of the Ayah 4:3 soundlike a commandment, it is should only be temperory in effect. That is said to applied only to a particular state of emergency when, due to the loss of 70 men in the battle of Uhud, the number od women exceed the number of available Muslim men. However, considering the condition and also the speciality of the Glorious Koran itself, it is universal in application despite having revealing a particular date and time. One point greatly in need is that, what ever the society, the number of women should outnumber the men. Supposed the world population is equally divided between men and women (each gender is equal half of the qorld population), then it is impossible for an individual man to marrying more than one woman unless the 2nd, 3rd and 4th wife is being forced in to marriage (but under the eye of Syariah Law, forced marriage is ilegal, void and considered as unlawful).
From the records and researach done by both part of the wrold, (the West and the East), records shows that the males and females birth are almost equal in numbers, but the study of mortality shows that the rate is higer for men compared to women. This disparity is eveidence from ealry childhood to extremely old age. The proportionality of the higher number of women in society can be traced to a variety of causes, for instance when a war broke out, the majority of the casuality are the men:
In Palestine, Israel has been killing mainly Muslim men and boys and has been wiping out the future.
In the First World War (1914 - 1918), about eighty millions soldiers were killed, besides the most of civillian killed were also men.
In the Second World War (1939 - 1945), about sixty million people were killed maimed for life, most of them were men.
In Iraq - Iran (1979 - 1988) alone, 82, ooo Iranian and about 100,000 Iraqis women were left widowed.
Another factor of drain of availability men in the society is imprisonment. In the United Stated of America and the most so-called civilized societies of modern times,, no less than 1.3 million of people are convicted daily for different crimes and 98% of the total ammount are men.
Above were few examples out of cauntless causes of men mortality, which leads to the number of women outnumber men. This difference persists in even the most developed societie e.g. the U.S, which in 1967, there were 7,100,000 more women than men. This mean even if every single men, in America got married, 7,100,000 women are left without a husband. This would lead to a situation where hundreds of thousands of women failed to find husbands for themselves and are thus, denied an honorable place in the society.
At the end of the day, I discovered that polygamy, in essence, is a practical solutions to social problems as stated above (only during emergency, but is theren't - obviously it is unacceptable by natural mindset and framethinking). However, I admit and could not agreed more, to have more than one wife is not ideal in Islam and I realise that at the bottom of my heart, Monogamy, the state of being loyal and devote our lives to one mate is the best way to enjoy life.
So, there you have it peeps. Some personal idea from Isis Natasha's mind reagrding the topic of polygamy/monogamy. I believed that I also had briefly discuss on the explaination on every levels of perspective. Dont forget to vote me nah!
Labels: Bloggers Idol
Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 09:52
2ns week assigment!
Wednesday, August 9
Uols. if ada typo error yg melampau tolong dimaafkan cos meks menulis blog ini didalam keadaan yang terketar ketar cos right now meks demam panas and i really can't perform that well, so if this entry tidak menepati ittiew expectation by my readers, i beg for your forgiveness.
It is time for me to unveil the curtain that shield the 2nd week assignment : tatattatata (drumroll please!!!):
"BI2006 - Week 2 Assignment :YOU are the new Manager for Diddy AF4. As a manager, what would you do to get Diddy to be an established singer / artist in the Malaysian Music Industry?"
Bagaimana? ado idea idak?
ok well merasalah meks berimaginasi bagai kan utk meletakkan myself in others artist manager kan!!!!
let see how nah!!
occay, first thing first as an artist manager, meks kene la mengenali artist meks dulu kan kaedahnya .... right now meks tahu nama fullname diddy is Syamsul Hirdy b. Muhid and he is actually baya meks!!! how co-incident!!! 21 year old uols (but kaedahnya,die dah bertunang!!!).
kalau manager lain kata kiter perlu wat besar besaran ittiew promosi!! meks rasa idak!!
promosi and strategy meks akan dibuat berdasar kan trivia kehiduopan didy sendiri uols! iaitu : Semangat harus terus cekal, jangan sesekali menyerah kalah. Jalan masih panjang. teruskan ke puncak.
1. meks rasa kiter perlu wat promosi di komplek membeli belah and supermarket. kelaka kan meks nyew strategi! tidak glamour langsung! uols, cara yang tidak glamour inilah yang akan menjamin keutuhan nama diddy di persada seni antarabangsa. how? well, di supermarket, the target bukan lah org besar besar tetapi adalah org org kebanyakkan ie org biasa uols! makik2, pakcik2, budak2. ala mcm siti wat promosi kat carrefour wangsa maju dulu masa die mula mule naik . bagi up sikit fanatik diddy bagi semua lapisan masyarakat ado sokong die.
2. lepas tue, mesti ado konsert af4 kan ... disinilah diddy betul betul kene shine uols. ala ala masuk miss, bagi outstanding. bagiorg nampak die aje, jgn bagi org lain nampak yg lain lain langsung! ala uols, terkeluar awal doesnt mean u tidak bagus cmpared yg menang kan!!! disni lah meks perlukan beberapa staff stafft tambahan!
biarlah ketika pelajar lain mengunakan juru makeup yang telah disediakan oleh maestro (kalo tidak silap meks kak ani n fahmy- bukan meks nak kata make up uols tidak cantek yer!!!), tetapi biarlah kiterorg bawak make up artist sendiri. kalo boleh biarlah make up artist ni sajork yg make up diddy after this, cos as a permanent make up artist, she /he/she-he will knew strong point kat muke didy kan!!!
back up dancer~ kalo pelajar lain mengunakan back up dancer, dancers linda jasmine, kami tidak perlu. kami akan mengunakan back up dancer sendiri! (ala, organisor yang suruh meks berangan kan! meks berangan ala ala tidak kene ngan realiti uols!). kalau boleh meks akan transform at least sume show didy akan menjadi the shining glory of the show. bukan berserabut seperti show kak ani, ala ala mcm sarkas di atas pentas, tetapi seperti show Adam senior diddy ittiew! kan smart ittiew! meks yakin, melihat diddy menari ketika konsert, meks yakin dan tekad diddy boleh melakukan nyew!
jurulatih tari! yess! meks rasa tida ada yang lebih bagus menjadi jurulatih tari for diddy selain daripada adam senior didy sendiri! cos bg meks, adam bukan sajork leh ajar diddr menari tetapi sebagai senior, die boleh turunkan sedikit ilmu utk mengahdapi dunia artist uols!
and then, meks sebagai manager juga boleh menrangkap menjadi perunding keundangan for diddy especially for contract related! kan jimat cos uols ... at last meks leh mengunakan sedikit ilmu meks masa belajar degree law dulu kan!
3. and then, lepas tue barulah kiter akan promosikan diddy utk majlis makan malam function dihotel. kan utk menarik perhatian golongan atasann. betul idak! kiter akan wat besar besaran!>br>
as a simple person meks berpegang teguh pada prinsip, dimana mana ada kemahuan disitu ada jalan and bagi emks, as manager diddy meks rasakan semua show adalah jalan ke puncak!!!
gambar diambil dari http://www.astro.com.my/akademi_fantasia
Labels: Bloggers Idol
Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 00:10
1st Assignment - About Me ....
Wednesday, August 2
occay! wah wah wah tidak disangka sangka demam bloggers-idol sudah bermula (sat! ado ke kaedahnya fans utk bloggers-idol nie? mcm tidak ado pung demam nya! **matilah meks terus kene kick out cos carut competition sendirik!). Uols tengoklah sendiri tajuk assignment minggu pertama - About Me kaedahnya! (meks dah berangan nak puji diri sendiri melambung dah - tup tup ...) meks kene tulis about one of the contestant katanya! which is tidak lain tidak bukan (drumroll please!) RED MUMMY!
At first actually, meks tidak konal pung Red Mummy ni sapo, but biasalah! demi Friendship Day (yeah peeps! today is friendship day! HAPPY FRINDSHIP DAY!!!) meks pung berkenalan la ngan Red Mummy.
Meks menjengah ke blog Red Mummy (RM - singkatannya RM katanya! kaya Red Mummy, Ringgit Malaysia) iaitu di Red Mummy. So how meks nak start this entry yerk? (karangan? bosan la! - ala ala conversation la! nanti wat surat kang ado kata meks menirooo! hiks!!). RM, sorry nah! skunk nie meks tgh emncari kerja, so meks leh terpikir nak wat ala ala script hang carik keje kat company meks! boleh? (matilah!!)
Interview Kerja : Red Mummy!
Isis Natasha :
so it seems, you already sent in you resume and application form, eh! you forgot to wrote down your previous working experiences ... (RM pung menulis previuous working experiences die kat dlm application from company meks!) so tell me more about yorself, miss?
Red Mummy:
Red Mummy, you can just call me Red. The only reason is cos i envy red so much in my life.
Isis Natasha:
Red? Kinda strange and pelik la uols! Selalu nama candidate so far yang masuk nama paling pelik pung just, Laura Madonna (Matilah meks carut kawan sendirik!). Never mind, carry on with your brief introduction! (Isis melemparkan senyuman plastic)
Red Mummy:
I was born on the 11th of July ... the year tue tidak perlu la dimention (meks copy balik ape yang RM tulis dlm email nah!). I am the fourth child out of eight. I've 2 sisters and 5 brothers. (Isis melihat dan menenung tajam Red Mummy masa die sebut 5 brothers, sambil meks betulkan wig yang baru lepas asap ngan kak su) 5 super duper straight brothers (Red Mummy senyum sinis, sambil meks kembali wrote down the important thing on the application from).
Isis Natasha:
Are you married? Family? Children?
Red Mummy:
Oh Yes!! I'm happily married with two children (sambil garu garu jari manis tayang kat meks cinicin kawin, meks pulak garu garu leher meks tayang chocker baru beli semalam). I have a prince, which I call Abang and a princess, call Gegirl, you wanna see their photoes? (RM kuarkan picture anak die from wallet and tayang kat meks). Anything else you wanna know?
Isis Natasha:
Oh yeah? are you still working? (sambil betulkan spec propa meks - ala ala lady boss kan!)
Red Mummy:
Yeah, i still working. In Klcc as a PA to be exact. I stay in Cheras and own a car, an auto. I tidak boleh bawak manual. So travelling to work place never been a problem to me. Is this an indoor or outdoor job? Cos i dislike and tidak boleh berada under the sun. Panas sgt cuaca Malaysia nie. Talking about the Malaysia wheather, I dah a few time pergi ke laur negara for vacation, wanna see the photoes? (sambil kuarkan picture tunjuk kat meks, motif perempuan ni simpan photo banyak banyak? wallet ittiew dwiguna ke as photo album, detik hati meks!)
Isis Natasha:
Occay, anything else you wanna share (lempar senyuman palsu samil teguk air mineral yang telah dielektrolisiskan)?
Red Mummy:
I'm actively involved in outdoor activities, and I do love challenge. I beberapa kali masuk Fear Factor Malaysia ...
Isis Natasha:
Nah!! Now baru meks hingat! Meks pernah tengok muka uols kat dlm TV, NTV7 kan!!! (hanj!! meks as in Isis Natasha pung tidak kuar tv lagik, tup tup candidate office meks nie dah kuar dah! sah sah meks reject awal awal! hiks! hanjs sgt kan!!)
Red Mummy:
Tau tak pe. I just wanna ask, the hygene level at your office is in good level ke? Sebab I will start to sneezing when there is dust around. And I will always wear skirts or short cos I think I look clumsy in baju Kurung or long pants, boleh tak pakai macam ttue? Or your office ada dress code?
Isis Natasha:
Yes, we do have dresscode my dear, feather sebijik wajib yer! anyway, do you have previous problem involving officemate scandals?
Red Mummy:
None so far, but I do love to flirt and can cry easily. So make sure, tissue paper being provided nah! And i think, guys who tight in are so damn HAWT!!! So that would be a problem, if the dresscode for guys at your office is formal. What else? Oh ya! Do you have internet acces, cos I'm addicted to internet chess and I know I still the champion tho'. I don't like crabs and spicy foods. Kalau i perform good in your company, the company bagi any rewards tak ? or the staff leh pilih rewards sendiri? Sebab right now, I'm aiming for a red BMW, tidak kire la apa siries and hoping the company can give me one if I perform well.
Isis Natasha:
(meks hanya mampu geleng kepala) ...
Red Mummy:
Oh ya, it is really important if your office ada pantry or at least a small kitchen cos i love to cook, nak kata sedap sgt tue tak la, but kalo masa perang kire sedap la jugak, mampu la my family nak telan and I tidak boleh cook while there is alot of peeps in the kitchen. So kalo boleh, and if I'm accepted to be in your company, I need a space as my own kitchen. and kalo boleh, all the chicken and all, you tolong belikan yang dah siap di'siang' boleh? i tak reti nak siang ayam. And then, i demand a notebook or phonebook cos I bukan jenis yang boleh memories phone numbers. Kalo boleh, phonebook ittiew, leather. Kalo I dah dpt my Red BMW, your company boleh bagi lain things in the future tak? perfumes? i love perfum you know, flat screen monitor and a DVD player, i teringin nak letak tue kat rumah I.
Isis Natasha:
(tercengang but still boleh berkata-kata) Anything else you wanna add to your introduction?
Red Mummy:
I pakai lens, hate glasses you know. I drove my car kinda of ala ala mcm cite Tokyo Drift, so if I'm accepted, I takkan lambat punya! I love cats so kalo i bawak my cats to work boleh tak? I tengah menabung for my parents' house, your company leh bagi tak? or at least bagi loan ke ape ke? bayarkan downpayment ke? I nie jenis protactive sikit. and always membebel. So kalau i nie bising, you jangan la pecat i, memang naluri i mcm jugak u, bernaluri wanita. Lastly, i tidak suke org bercakap belakang i or kutuk belakang i especially about my kids. I thing that is enough for my brief introduction.And last one, I nie jenis suka tidow, so kalau i bawak kerusi OSIM to ofis ganti your chair untuk i tido masa tak der keje boleh tak?
Isis Natasha:
Ok! Briefffffff sgt! Anyway, you apply for what postion in our company actually? as you know, that our company, Medan Sri Suria Berhad majoring in graphic design. And terus terang i cakap, we can't afford to give youa car, perfumes, DVD player, flat screen and a house as a performance allowances. We only give you benefits as in extra allowances in RM. so how?
Red Mummy:
oo ok then, tidak ape la. I try company sebelah. Thanks. I can show my way out.
**hiks! seriously meks our of ideaa! meks leh teringat a job interview cos siang tadi meks kene interview kat celcom. hiks! sorry RM!!! And meks sajork je tulis entry in in red cos i knew, RED MUMMY love Red so much!
Labels: Bloggers Idol
Regards with love,

posted by Isis Natasha @ 00:00