Emporio Armani Diamonds For Men
Tuesday, January 6
Salam Berjauhan Semuanya Sayang!!!
Yess, meks tahu. Ketika u'ols sedang membaca entry inniew meks sudah selamat tidak lagi berada di tanah air ku terchenta-ik, Malaysia. Tetapi sebaliknya meks sudah berada di Bandung Jakarta u'ols! Hiks. Biasalah bercuti bersama teman sambil bershopping sakan untuk mendapatkan stok untuk my wardrobe u'ols. Neway, "Introducing Bandung" schedule to be published tomorrow or tonight, sharp at 00:00. To those yang a little bit buta IT, meks tidak begitu gigih untuk stay depan komputer mencari CC kat Bandung inniew menanti jarum jam menunjukkan 00:00. Sebaliknya, semua meks nye entry sudah pun dikarang dan dipublish pada ari Isnin 05/01/09 and meks set as "scheduled". Yess u'ols, blogspot.com ada kemudahan seperti ittiew.
Pasti ramai yang tertanya-tanya, motif Isis wat entry about perfume jantan? Adakah Isis dah beli perfume jantan nak wat review? Well, review tu betul, but meks addinch wat review about the perfume. Meks pernah bau but meks addinch pakai. Motif? Kan? Abis tue, Isis nak review apa sebenarnya? Hehehehe, actually meks nak wat review on this new perfume by Emporio Armani Diamonds For Men's advertisement campaign u'ols!!!
But before hand, let me quote a line from a very famous song :
Diamonds are a girl's best friend
In deed, in deed! Memang betul, diamonds are a girls best friends. Meks still remember mummy tag me alone to nearby Habib everytime cukup bulan for gaji - explain everything the concept of best friends kan?!. But however, with this new add campaign by Emporio Armani, there is a new definiton for "Diamonds are girl's bestfriend". Why? Because JOSH HARTNETT is in the campaign himself!!!
Who can simply resist mata die yang cantik and sexy ittiew (unless u'ols lesbo, jantan straight, or feeling sendiri u'ols lah manusia paling sempurna) kan? Well, he shoot to fame masa movie "Pearl Harbour" and thrust me masa die main pusing -pusing ngan Kate Beckinsale, meks bayangkan die main pusing-pusing dengang meks. matilah masa form 3 already aiming high kan? LOL!!! Kan? Lepas tue barulah movie-movie lain yang melonjakkan lagi nama Josh seperti Black Hawk Down, 40 days and 40 nights, 3o days of night kan. Sebelum Josh Hartnett berjaya bergelar pelakon, actually die pernah juga bekerja odd jobs i.e pekerja Mc Donalds, Burger King dan pemuas nafsu Isis Natasha hahahahaha.

Mesti ramai nak tahu, what so special about this perfume kan berbanding dengan yang laen? Selain dari memapar Josh Hartnett separa bogel selama 2 saat dalam iklan nyew, it is its woody scent yang really captured the attention. Kalau u'ols spray sajork this perfume kan, it will "leaves a lingering scents which features the radiant freshness of the Italian cirtsu-bergamot mixed with Szechuan pepper." As quoted more from the website of Emporio Armani sendirik, "Cedar, the iconic embodiment of masculinity is shaken by the addictive and alluring cocoa beans." So meaning, adakah ia cube memberi satu maksud, kalau muka jejants ittiew setengit mana pung, spray a lil bit perfume mandikan the whole bottle of perfume, this jejants will smell like Josh Hartnett? Grand lah! Meks godak sana, godak sini, meks terjumpe the price. This perfume will be available here in Malaysia (jangkaan u'ols!) February 2009 onwards and the price for Emporio Armani Diamonds For Men, EDT 75ml for RM185.
Ish banyak sangat meks bebel pasal perfume nie kan? Hiks! Oh yeah, u'ols nak tgk ad campaign perfume nie? Jangan lak sentap pulak yer. Masa meks tengok memang meks rasa macam sakit hati sajork. Meks feeling meks la sepatutnya menjadi the girl yang tarik baju die kat nipple Josh Hartnett tue! Sexy u'ols!! Meks sukew sangat ads nie. Even tho Josh Hartnett is fully clothes, but I think he look more sexy that the guy yang wearing underwear in Crave campaign ads few years ago tue. However, there is gossip tho that the buldge dalam underwear CK ittiew is not original u'ols. Meks read it in Perez Hilton's blog. *wink*

For those yang leyh view below video, enjoy this 59 sec ads campaign. And take note, Josh Hartnett half naked body masa 00:08 sec. Hahahaha. *wink*
Labels: Actors and Actresses, Celebrities

posted by Isis Natasha @ 00:00