BLOG BARU? by a mysterious blogger!
Thursday, October 5
Balik aje dari NZ cury house selepas beberapa jam melangut tak de kerja dengan Vivianna dan juga Najib Shah, Isis pung terus la online sebaik sahaj tibe dirumah. Mula-mula, bukak youtube la kan as usual, tgk ashwariya rai or anythign yang kelakar, and then terus on YM.
Tibe tibe ZESTTTT! (bukan zestgemuk yew!!! Hanya sekadar satu anotasi suara latar untuk mempertunjukkan pop up pribvate msg) dari DIVA AGUNG, VIVIANNA LAYOLA KINSLEY atau nama Islamnya, VIVIANNA ABDULLAH LEE, Miss Selangor/Malaysia 2006. Satu-satunya peserta bukan melayu yang berjaya memecahkan tradisi masyarakat cina untuk mewakili negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan (matilah dengan restu Sultan Idris dan KuYah).
Die bagilah one link to a blog. Let me uote nah! " ". At first I was bursting laugh kempot la baca nama blog tue. Nope bukan nak carut blogger tue tak cantik. BUKAN! Tak pernah terlintas terdetik di lubuk hati I nie (sebenarnya, me also don't know who is the blogger ... very mysterious peeps!).
At first I ingatkan it is kerja one of my friends la, (for those yang kenal I, mesti la perasan kan my friends including me macam mana perangai kan!) but last last tup tup NAN ADO yang ngaku. I was pelik bin ajaib la kan. So Vivi kata pergi la tgk, me pung click la twice ... erh silap three time kat address tue.
Bukak-bukak ada ambar kuali dulu. I was like? Apakah entry yang memerlukan kuali. Lagi la curious kan ... As many of you know, me kan jarang and susah nak baca blog bertulis nie (padahal I guess, my blog nie la yang byk sekali bertuli, DINCH ado gambar) so dengan nak tak nak pung membaca la.
I was completely out of SHOCK!!! Motif nama I and nama VIVI ado kat dlm tue. Including nama Ratna and Sara. Erm .. apa lagik! Citer pasal the most controversial issue la - MISS MALAYSIA 2006.
Occay, here, I'm not going to comment on what she said or written. Bcos to me, in a pageant every single person/contestant have the same percentage to win/grab the title and the grand prize offered by the organizer. But all of these chances will go down deep into the weel once some party changed into a materialistic demon, who posses the power of Selfhappiness greater than Humanity. And I do believe that every single person involve in the pageant, the juries, audience, contestant and ME, had become the chess (me nak amik the queen leyh tak?) where the demon become the master mind. Control the moves into their intention using their invisible hands.
And for those out there, yang still keep talking bout these things, I mean seriously talking, not for carut-carut session, I would suggest to stop. I'm not saying that I agrred with what the demon had done, nor did i said i hate the demon for the result. It just that we can't changed what had already happen. You see, I do believed in KARMA, life is just like a circle, what ever you done, yuo will get the consequences. and also I do uphold the principle of SILVER LINING FOR A GREY CLOUDS.
And also, not many peeps realise that even tho there are attacking the demon, but indirectly they do attack the facade, dignity and pride of other contestant. One of the contestant do said to me that, When peeps talking bout the pageant and how tsumawi it is (wah ayat baru .. tsumawi katanya!!), indirectly the commentor would indiectly said that she is so dumb and stupid to be and to enter the pageant.
Sepeti ayat meks, Kalah pun salah, menang pun salah. But seriously personally i would rather say, Biarlah kita kalah bermaruah jgn menang atas rasuah. krna pada satu hari nanti kite akan bersua muka dengan org ramai. Kita tinggal di satu bola sfora bergelar BUMI yang kemana arah kiter berjalan akan kembali ke tempat yang sama. Biarlah kiter mampu untuk memdongakkan kepala, bertegur sapa dengan kawan kawan tanpa rasa salah dan silu dari kiter menyembunyikan diri dan menunduk malu. Nescaya satu hari nanti kiter yang berbuat jahat, akan tunduk terjelupuk merayu merintih memohon kemaafan dari kawan kawan sendiri.
Betul idak? Kan!! Here I repeat nah! I do not meant to direct thios entry to any party. it is a general statement that can be used not only for the Miss Malaysia 2006 pageant scenario but also in the kancah politik negara.

posted by Isis Natasha @ 05:09