Saturday, October 14
back in the office!
Bored in the office as usual, the call queue is not very high.
time : 4:13 pm - another roughly 3 hours to go for breaking fast!
Call queu pun tidak tinggi. The laste call was at 3:59 pm. Mungkin for the time being Celcom tidak ada network failure or any problem as usual kot! Wah!! I'm so surprise la!
Bored bored bored! Hari ini sabtu, Kie, Kakak, Kak G, Norm, Bibi nak gi makan (berbuka pose i mean! Memandai je Isis kata depa tak pose!) kat luar. If i'm not mistaken Lot 10, eh hold on! Today ke tomorrow tak tau! But still tak leh nak join, me kerja petang esok til 2 in the morning.
But what ever it is, I'm glad that today I finished my shift around 12.45 and that mean I can join them at DownUnder, a new club in town. Already made plan to meet up with them and Arezeo and all of the others, I mean Ted, Shaft and all.
By the way, semalam dah due kali i jumper Ben after his surgery and kesian nyew. Asyik sakit je. Darling, I hope u get well soon nah! Lepas hang dah occay sikit, leh la ronda ronda jauh sikit!
Oh yes! Semalam I pergi rumah Ted. Nasib baik i datang awal. Usher pung ada. Rindu ngan usher. Rindu sangat sangat! Sejak die dah start practical aritue dah jarang dah jumper. And ada Mama, Ben, Ron, Ted, Shaft, Usher and Kast (first time jumper kast!). Sayang, Naim tak de. Naim kene cat rumah since kakak die kawin! RIndu gak ngan Naim.
Lepas tue around (motif tak de call masuk pung nie .. dah nak dekat sejam nie!) 12.30 in the morning, kiteorg madeplan to go to kak ara and before that, my car, ada Ted, Usher and shaft pergi ke Tmn Melur to fetch Reza Ehsan. And Nazim call me and after the cll finished, I said " Take Care, Love you" as usualy when i said goodbye to all of my frens. Perlu ke itu menjadi satu issue? In fact me kiss Kie, Kak G, Bibi pung me said "Take Care, Lov You" - That mean me also tasty kat depa ke? aiyoooo!!
back in the office!
Bored in the office as usual, the call queue is not very high.
time : 4:13 pm - another roughly 3 hours to go for breaking fast!
Call queu pun tidak tinggi. The laste call was at 3:59 pm. Mungkin for the time being Celcom tidak ada network failure or any problem as usual kot! Wah!! I'm so surprise la!
Bored bored bored! Hari ini sabtu, Kie, Kakak, Kak G, Norm, Bibi nak gi makan (berbuka pose i mean! Memandai je Isis kata depa tak pose!) kat luar. If i'm not mistaken Lot 10, eh hold on! Today ke tomorrow tak tau! But still tak leh nak join, me kerja petang esok til 2 in the morning.
But what ever it is, I'm glad that today I finished my shift around 12.45 and that mean I can join them at DownUnder, a new club in town. Already made plan to meet up with them and Arezeo and all of the others, I mean Ted, Shaft and all.
By the way, semalam dah due kali i jumper Ben after his surgery and kesian nyew. Asyik sakit je. Darling, I hope u get well soon nah! Lepas hang dah occay sikit, leh la ronda ronda jauh sikit!
Oh yes! Semalam I pergi rumah Ted. Nasib baik i datang awal. Usher pung ada. Rindu ngan usher. Rindu sangat sangat! Sejak die dah start practical aritue dah jarang dah jumper. And ada Mama, Ben, Ron, Ted, Shaft, Usher and Kast (first time jumper kast!). Sayang, Naim tak de. Naim kene cat rumah since kakak die kawin! RIndu gak ngan Naim.
Lepas tue around (motif tak de call masuk pung nie .. dah nak dekat sejam nie!) 12.30 in the morning, kiteorg madeplan to go to kak ara and before that, my car, ada Ted, Usher and shaft pergi ke Tmn Melur to fetch Reza Ehsan. And Nazim call me and after the cll finished, I said " Take Care, Love you" as usualy when i said goodbye to all of my frens. Perlu ke itu menjadi satu issue? In fact me kiss Kie, Kak G, Bibi pung me said "Take Care, Lov You" - That mean me also tasty kat depa ke? aiyoooo!!
I glance from my window in my office, and Astagfirullah Hal Azim, jerebu makin teruk. I'm scared. Tidak pernah jadi mcm nie sebelum nie. Me terbayangkan my family - Daddy, Mummy, Akak, Abg Syed, their kids esp Jaja, Ateh, Abg Rijal, all theirs devils ; Kiki especially. All my friends - Kie, Bibi, Kak G, Kakak, Syed, Fifi, Lea, Dylan, Mark, Babyposh, Comel and others (Naim, Nazim, Ted, Ben, Usher). How can we survived in this haze. Scared kalau ada yang jatuh sakit ke apa ke?
And then my fikiran terbayangkan all my lovely ones who had been involved and change my life. How are they doing agaknya skunk nie!
Ntah kenapa tetibe me terpikir kan Lee Novothy. Mungkin sebab die selalu aje jenguk and also comment blog meks kot. Mcm nak tahu je jerebu ke idak kat London? Erm ...
Bored again!

I glance from my window in my office, and Astagfirullah Hal Azim, jerebu makin teruk. I'm scared. Tidak pernah jadi mcm nie sebelum nie. Me terbayangkan my family - Daddy, Mummy, Akak, Abg Syed, their kids esp Jaja, Ateh, Abg Rijal, all theirs devils ; Kiki especially. All my friends - Kie, Bibi, Kak G, Kakak, Syed, Fifi, Lea, Dylan, Mark, Babyposh, Comel and others (Naim, Nazim, Ted, Ben, Usher). How can we survived in this haze. Scared kalau ada yang jatuh sakit ke apa ke?
And then my fikiran terbayangkan all my lovely ones who had been involved and change my life. How are they doing agaknya skunk nie!
Ntah kenapa tetibe me terpikir kan Lee Novothy. Mungkin sebab die selalu aje jenguk and also comment blog meks kot. Mcm nak tahu je jerebu ke idak kat London? Erm ...
Bored again!
Bored in the office as usual, the call queue is not very high.
time : 4:13 pm - another roughly 3 hours to go for breaking fast!
Call queu pun tidak tinggi. The laste call was at 3:59 pm. Mungkin for the time being Celcom tidak ada network failure or any problem as usual kot! Wah!! I'm so surprise la!
Bored bored bored! Hari ini sabtu, Kie, Kakak, Kak G, Norm, Bibi nak gi makan (berbuka pose i mean! Memandai je Isis kata depa tak pose!) kat luar. If i'm not mistaken Lot 10, eh hold on! Today ke tomorrow tak tau! But still tak leh nak join, me kerja petang esok til 2 in the morning.
But what ever it is, I'm glad that today I finished my shift around 12.45 and that mean I can join them at DownUnder, a new club in town. Already made plan to meet up with them and Arezeo and all of the others, I mean Ted, Shaft and all.
By the way, semalam dah due kali i jumper Ben after his surgery and kesian nyew. Asyik sakit je. Darling, I hope u get well soon nah! Lepas hang dah occay sikit, leh la ronda ronda jauh sikit!
Oh yes! Semalam I pergi rumah Ted. Nasib baik i datang awal. Usher pung ada. Rindu ngan usher. Rindu sangat sangat! Sejak die dah start practical aritue dah jarang dah jumper. And ada Mama, Ben, Ron, Ted, Shaft, Usher and Kast (first time jumper kast!). Sayang, Naim tak de. Naim kene cat rumah since kakak die kawin! RIndu gak ngan Naim.
Lepas tue around (motif tak de call masuk pung nie .. dah nak dekat sejam nie!) 12.30 in the morning, kiteorg madeplan to go to kak ara and before that, my car, ada Ted, Usher and shaft pergi ke Tmn Melur to fetch Reza Ehsan. And Nazim call me and after the cll finished, I said " Take Care, Love you" as usualy when i said goodbye to all of my frens. Perlu ke itu menjadi satu issue? In fact me kiss Kie, Kak G, Bibi pung me said "Take Care, Lov You" - That mean me also tasty kat depa ke? aiyoooo!!
back in the office!
Bored in the office as usual, the call queue is not very high.
time : 4:13 pm - another roughly 3 hours to go for breaking fast!
Call queu pun tidak tinggi. The laste call was at 3:59 pm. Mungkin for the time being Celcom tidak ada network failure or any problem as usual kot! Wah!! I'm so surprise la!
Bored bored bored! Hari ini sabtu, Kie, Kakak, Kak G, Norm, Bibi nak gi makan (berbuka pose i mean! Memandai je Isis kata depa tak pose!) kat luar. If i'm not mistaken Lot 10, eh hold on! Today ke tomorrow tak tau! But still tak leh nak join, me kerja petang esok til 2 in the morning.
But what ever it is, I'm glad that today I finished my shift around 12.45 and that mean I can join them at DownUnder, a new club in town. Already made plan to meet up with them and Arezeo and all of the others, I mean Ted, Shaft and all.
By the way, semalam dah due kali i jumper Ben after his surgery and kesian nyew. Asyik sakit je. Darling, I hope u get well soon nah! Lepas hang dah occay sikit, leh la ronda ronda jauh sikit!
Oh yes! Semalam I pergi rumah Ted. Nasib baik i datang awal. Usher pung ada. Rindu ngan usher. Rindu sangat sangat! Sejak die dah start practical aritue dah jarang dah jumper. And ada Mama, Ben, Ron, Ted, Shaft, Usher and Kast (first time jumper kast!). Sayang, Naim tak de. Naim kene cat rumah since kakak die kawin! RIndu gak ngan Naim.
Lepas tue around (motif tak de call masuk pung nie .. dah nak dekat sejam nie!) 12.30 in the morning, kiteorg madeplan to go to kak ara and before that, my car, ada Ted, Usher and shaft pergi ke Tmn Melur to fetch Reza Ehsan. And Nazim call me and after the cll finished, I said " Take Care, Love you" as usualy when i said goodbye to all of my frens. Perlu ke itu menjadi satu issue? In fact me kiss Kie, Kak G, Bibi pung me said "Take Care, Lov You" - That mean me also tasty kat depa ke? aiyoooo!!
I glance from my window in my office, and Astagfirullah Hal Azim, jerebu makin teruk. I'm scared. Tidak pernah jadi mcm nie sebelum nie. Me terbayangkan my family - Daddy, Mummy, Akak, Abg Syed, their kids esp Jaja, Ateh, Abg Rijal, all theirs devils ; Kiki especially. All my friends - Kie, Bibi, Kak G, Kakak, Syed, Fifi, Lea, Dylan, Mark, Babyposh, Comel and others (Naim, Nazim, Ted, Ben, Usher). How can we survived in this haze. Scared kalau ada yang jatuh sakit ke apa ke?
And then my fikiran terbayangkan all my lovely ones who had been involved and change my life. How are they doing agaknya skunk nie!
Ntah kenapa tetibe me terpikir kan Lee Novothy. Mungkin sebab die selalu aje jenguk and also comment blog meks kot. Mcm nak tahu je jerebu ke idak kat London? Erm ...
Bored again!

And then my fikiran terbayangkan all my lovely ones who had been involved and change my life. How are they doing agaknya skunk nie!
Ntah kenapa tetibe me terpikir kan Lee Novothy. Mungkin sebab die selalu aje jenguk and also comment blog meks kot. Mcm nak tahu je jerebu ke idak kat London? Erm ...
Bored again!
Labels: Blogging

posted by Isis Natasha @ 16:54